Annual Report 2019–20
校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 5 T he year under review was an extraordinary one: first with the social unrest rocking the entire Hong Kong society, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the whole world. The University community was inevitably impacted. As the old saying goes, “Every threat is an opportunity”. There is no denying that the turbulence is terrible, but it also motivates us to do things differently and spur innovation. I can proudly say that the adaptability, creativity and commitment demonstrated by many of our staff and students, as well as other members of the University community, in weathering the challenges and safeguarding the health and safety of our campus were truly remarkable. My gratitude is beyond words. 2 019 至 20 年度是異乎尋常的一年: 我們先經歷了使香港陷入不安之中 的社會動盪,其後再有肆虐全球的新冠 肺炎。大學社群無可避免受到影響。常言 道,「有危自有機」,混沌固然可怕,卻推 動我們另闢蹊徑,激勵創新精神。對於中 大員生,以及大學社群中其他成員在困 難之中所展現非凡的適應力、創造力、承 擔及奉獻,致力守護校園的健康和安全, 我引以為傲,無言感激。 當信心危機、焦慮,甚至仇恨充斥之時, 中大校訓「博文約禮」的精神更顯重要 及珍貴。年月過去,這個宗旨引領著一代 校長前言 Foreword by The Vice-Chancellor and President
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