Annual Report 2017–18
眾擎易舉 黽勉同心 Joining Hands and Hearts to Make a Change 51 校園再生能源系統 工程學院汪正平教授領導的跨院校團隊開發 「智能化太陽能技術:採集、存儲及應用系 統」,並在和聲書院設置示範基地。該系統 的研究成果,將有利微電網和再生能源在香 港的發展,倘若技術成熟,或可設置於離島 上,為當地居民供電。 Renewable Energy System on Campus The multi-institutional team led by Prof. Wong Ching-ping of the Faculty of Engineering developed a smart solar energy harvesting, storage and utilization system that was under testing at Lee Woo Sing College. The accomplishments achieved by the research team would help promote the development of microgrids and renewable energy in Hong Kong, and may provide a viable solution for power supply on Hong Kong’s outlying islands in the future. (左起)汪正平教授、邱達民教授、陳名華教授、任揚教授 (From left) Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Prof. Chiu Dah-ming, Prof. Chen Minghua, and Prof. Yam Yeung
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