Newsletter No. 487
07 # 4 8 7 | 1 9 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 6 Notes from the Master of Wu Yee Sun College Stop Where Your Dreams Has Led You Starting from this academic year, the College podium, an iconic feature of the College, has been named the Terrace of Dreams officially. When I was the Head of Chung Chi College, with the assistance of Prof. Yung Kung-hing , I constructed Lake Ad Excellentiam ( Weiyuan Lake ), Weiyuan, literally meaning ‘not complete’. Since then Lake Ad Excellentiam has become a landmark of CUHK. Facing the Tolo Harbour, the podium enjoys a picturesque view with Pat Sin Leng and an immense statue of Guanyin, the Goddess of Compassion, on the left, and Ma On Shan on the right. So I came up with the idea to name the podium Terrace of Dreams to echo with Lake Ad Excellentiam . Teachers, students and alumni can walk from Lake Ad Excellentiam to the Terrace of Dreams along the Caring Alumni EcoCampus Trail which connects the whole CUHK campus. I hope everyone can make their wishes on the terrace and achieve their goals through creativity, love, passion and perseverance. Thus, ‘not completed’ dreams will be realized. I am very much thankful to Prof. Gu Daqing , School of Architecture, who gave valuable advice on the design and setting of the plaque. I also appreciate the inputs contributed by Prof. Poon Ming-kay , Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and Prof. Olivia O.Y. Kwong , Department of Translation, on the plaque inscriptions, which thoroughly present the College mission—entrepreneurial spirit with social responsibility. Prof. Rance P.L. Lee 香港小童群益會八十周年學術會議 The 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference of the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong 社會工作學系與香港小童群益會合辦的「香港小童群益會八十周年學術 會議」於10月7日及8日舉行,由沈祖堯校長及政務司司長林鄭月娥女士 主持開幕儀式。大會邀請眾多本地及海外的知名學者及專業人士,包括 2000年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主James Heckman教授,以「培育新一代,攜 手創未來」為題各抒見解。為期兩日的會議吸引逾八百名學者、社會工作 者及學生參與,反應熱烈。 The 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference of The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA), co-organized by the Department of Social Work and BGCA, was held on 7 and 8 October 2016. The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor, and Mrs. Carrie Lam, the Chief Secretary of Administration. Distinguished scholars and professionals from Hong Kong and overseas, including Prof. James Heckman, the Nobel laureate of Econometrics in 2000, were invited to deliver speeches and seminars on the theme ‘Invest In Our Young For A Brighter Tomorrow’. Over 800 scholars, social workers, and students attended this two-day event. 中大在民政事務局及家庭議會舉辦的2015 – 16年家庭友善僱主獎勵計劃中,獲頒 「傑出家庭友善僱主」、「家庭友善僱主」和「支持母乳餵哺獎」三個獎項。大學在 人事策略及員工福利方面均致力提倡正向及家庭友善工作間,成立「正向工作間及 員工發展委員會」及「女性及家庭友善政策小組」等組織,與各部門推動一系列「家 庭友善」政策,例如安排授乳時段,於部門設置授乳空間及開設四間中央哺乳室等, 並提供醫療福利予同事及其家屬。除了法定假期,大學亦提供領養、喪親及無薪假 期。家庭友善僱主獎勵計劃於2011年首辦,旨在嘉許重視家庭友善精神的僱主,表 揚和鼓勵他們推行有利於家庭的文化和環境的僱傭措施。 CUHK received three awards in the 2015–16 Family-Friendly Employers Scheme organised by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Family Council. They are the ‘Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers’, ‘Family-Friendly Employers’ and ‘Award for Breastfeeding Support’. CUHK shows its care for staff members and their family in both personnel policies and staff benefits. The University established various groups, such as the ‘Committee on Positive Workplace and Staff Development’ and the ‘Task Force on Women and Family-Friendly Policies’, to implement a series of family-friendly policies. Lactation breaks, departmental lactating space as well as four central nursing rooms are provided to staff members. CUHK also offers medical protection to staff and their families, and implements additional leaves, such as adoption, bereavement and special leave on a no-pay basis. Launched in 2011, the Family-Friendly Employers Scheme aims to encourage and recognize the implementation of pro-family employment practices and foster a supportive environment which enables staff to balance the responsibilities of their work and families. 家庭友善僱主獎勵計劃中大獲三殊榮 Three Awards in Family-Friendly Employers Scheme
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