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alanchan@cuhk.edu.hk | |
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陳金樑教授現為香港中文大學(中大)常務副校長及利榮森中國文化教授。陳教授前為新加坡南洋理工大學(南大)文學院講座教授(Toh Puan Mahani Idris Daim Chair Professor of Humanities)。他於2009年加入南大出任人文、社會科學、藝術設計與傳播信息學院院長及哲學系教授,並於2018年1月獲委任為副校長,負責統籌校友事務、大學發展和國際關係。
陳教授的研究領域為中國哲學和宗教、詮釋學和批判理論。他是多個國際組織的理事會成員,包括新加坡社會科學研究理事會、中國國際儒學聯合會理事會;亦是《Journal of Daoist Studies》和《中國研究牛津在線參考書目》的編輯委員會成員。他曾發表多份著作,並於最近開發了一個名為「Explorations in Confucian Philosophy」的網上教學課程,在Coursera平台已吸引了過萬名人士修讀。
- 中國哲學和宗教
- 詮釋學和批判理論
- “Laozi” (2018) and “Neo-Taoism” (2019), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward Zalta (http://plato.stanford.edu)
- “From Uncrowned King to the Sage of Profound Greatness: Confucius and the Analects in Early Medieval China,” in Companion to Confucius, edited by Paul Goldin. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, 249–267.
- “The Art of Hearing and the Promise of Harmony in Confucian Self-Cultivation,” in New Directions in Chinese Philosophy, edited by Chung-yi Cheng. Hong Kong: New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014, 103-115.
- “Embodying Nothingness and the Ideal of the Affectless Sage in Daoist Philosophy,” in Nothingness in Asian Philosophy, edited by Jee-Loo Liu and Douglas Berger. London and New York: Routledge, 2014, 213-229.
- “Daoism,” in Oxford Bibliographies: Chinese Studies (http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com), 2013.
- “Harmony as a Contested Metaphor and Conceptions of Rightness in Early Confucian Ethics,” in How Should One Live? Comparing Ethics in Ancient China and Greco-Roman Antiquity, edited by R.A.H. King and Dennis Schilling. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011, 37–62.
- “Interpretations of Virtue in Early China,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.1 (2011): 158–174.
- Philosophy and Religion in Early Medieval China (ed. with Y.K. Lo). Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010.
- Interpretation and Literature in Early Medieval China (ed. with Y.K. Lo). Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010.
- “Wuqing yu changkuang: lun Zhuangzi zhong ‘qing’ de liangzhong quanshi” 無情與猖狂: 論《莊子》中「情」的兩種詮釋 (Two views of emotions in the Zhuangzi), Zhongguo zhexue yu wenhua 中國哲學與文化 (Chinese Philosophy and Culture) 6 (2010): 243–258 (in Chinese).