Annual Report 2017–18
眾擎易舉 黽勉同心 Joining Hands and Hearts to Make a Change 41 免費癌症篩查 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐資三千五百萬港 元,於2018年7月成立「中大賽馬會齊心防癌 計劃」,為一萬名四十至七十五歲、BMI達25 或以上的香港居民提供免費癌症篩查。男士 將接受大腸癌及前列腺癌檢測,而女性則接 受大腸癌及乳癌檢測。(上圖) 網上中醫課程及綜合治療平台 醫學院與國際大型網上課程平台Coursera 合作,開發首個網上英語中醫課程。此外, 醫學院成立了亞洲第一個結集全球中醫臨床 科研及回顧分析的網上資料庫,按治療手法 及健康狀況分類。此兩項網上新猷旨在增加 公眾對中醫及中西醫結合治療的認識,以及 促進學術討論。(下圖) Free Cancer Screening The CUHK Jockey Club Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme, with the generous donation of HK$35 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, was set up in July 2018 to provide free multi-cancer screening for up to 10,000 Hong Kong residents aged between 40 and 75 and whose BMI reaches 25 or above. Male participants would be screened for colorectal cancer and prostate cancer while female participants for colorectal cancer and breast cancer. (Top photo) Online Platforms for TCM Training and Integrative Medicine The Faculty of Medicine developed the world’s first-ever English online Chinese medicine course with Coursera, an international Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provider. In another project, the Faculty launched Asia’s first Integrative Medicine Clinical Evidence Portal which provides easy-to-read synopses of clinical trials and systematic reviews, categorized by intervention and condition. Both platforms promote public understanding and academic exchanges about Chinese medicine and integrative medicine. (Bottom photo) 主禮嘉賓:食物及衛生局局長陳肇始教授(中)、香港賽馬會董事李家祥博士(右二)、中大副校長霍泰輝教授(左二)、 齊心防癌計劃主任沈祖堯教授(右一) Officiating at the inauguration ceremony: Prof. Sophia Chan (centre), Secretary for Food and Health; Dr. Eric Li, Steward of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (2nd right); Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Vice-President of CUHK (2nd left), and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Director of the Multi-Cancer Prevention Programme (1st right) (左起)梁挺雄教授、胡志遠教授、鍾志豪醫師、林志秀教授、畢龍騰博士 (From left) Prof. Leung Ting-hung, Prof. Justin Wu, Dr. Vincent Chung Chi-ho, Prof. Lin Zhixiu, and Dr. Benjamin But
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