Newsletter No. 399
No. 399, 4.6.2012 9 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 五本科生獲校友評議會嘉獎 • Five Undergraduates Receive CUHK Convocation Awards 2 011至12年度共有五名本科生獲頒中文大學校友評 議會傑出服務及創意學生獎,嘉許他們熱心社會和 校內服務,或在人文學科及自然科學範疇發揮的豐富創 意。四名本年度獲獎學生於5月14日與評議會常務委員 會委員( 前排 )會面,並由委員會主席陳志新博士( 前排 左三 )頒授獎狀。 五年級的鄧嘉淇( 後排左一 )(雙主修保險、財務與精算學 和地理及資源管理學)奪得傑出校內服務獎。他是2011至 12年崇基學院學生會副會長,並連續三年參與書院刊物的 編輯委員會,本年度擔任主席,在他努力之下,停刊數年的 書院刊物得以復辦。 陳泳生( 後排右二 )(藝術系三年級)獲頒人文學科創意 獎。他去年參加由康樂及文化事務署主辦之大型公共藝術 計劃,在沙田公園展出作品。今年則與夥伴合辦大型的年 度藝術工作室開放計劃,深入了解本地藝術工業。 其餘得獎人是獲社會服務獎的李嘉傑( 後排右一 )(英國 語文研究與英國語文教育四年級)和葉梓聰(環球商業學 二年級),以及獲自然科學創意獎的傅凱駿( 後排左二 ) (物理系三年級)。 F ive undergraduates received the CUHK Convocation Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards 2011–12 in recognition of their contributions to community and campus services, as well as their creativity in the humanities and the natural sciences. Four of this year’s awardees met with the members of the CUHK Convocation Standing Committee ( front row ) on 14 May, and received the certificates from Dr. Chan Chi- sun ( 3rd left, front row ), chairman of the committee. Tang Ka-ki ( 1st left, back row ) (Year 5, Insurance, Financial & Actuarial Analysis and Geography & Resource Management) won the Outstanding Campus Services Award. Ka-Ki was the vice-president of the Chung Chi College Student’s Union for 2011–12, and a member of the editorial committee of the College magazine for three years and its chairperson this year. Thanks to his efforts, the magazine has resumed publication after a hiatus of several years. Chan Wing-sang ( 2nd right, back row ) (Year 3, Fine Arts) won the Outstanding Creativity Award for the Humanities. Last year, Wing-sang participated in a large- scale public art project presented by the Leisure and Cultural Service Department. This year, he organized a large-scale annual Open Studio Programme, which helped him to get a better understanding of the local art industry. The recipients of the Outstanding Community Services Award were Li Ka-kit ( 1st right, back row ) (Year 4, English Studies and English Language Education) and Yip Tsz- chung (Year 2, Global Business Studies); and the awardee of the Outstanding Creativity Award for the Natural Sciences was Po Hoi-chun ( 2nd left, back row ) (Year 3, Physics). 商學院頒發中學生創意短片金像獎 • Business School Presents Creative Video Awards 商 學院決策科學與企業經濟學系與香港特區政府 教育局合辦「When Adam Smith Meets Steve Jobs: Economics × Creativity」中學生經濟理論短片製 作大賽,鼓勵學生以生活化角度演繹一般人認為枯燥的 經濟理論。六十六支來自本港多所中學的隊伍參與角逐, 優勝隊伍於5月19日出席了頒獎典禮。 獲頒「經濟創意金像獎」的隊伍計有:以港版《那些年》 講解男女同學比例懸殊所造成的經濟學壟斷理論的 播道書院隊伍Star 5;以穿越時空的戲劇形式講述多項 經濟學理論的協恩中學隊伍Economic Power;反映現時 通脹、本地生產總值問題的張祝珊英文中學隊伍5-Man Economy;和以中學生準備考試為題材的拔萃女書院隊伍 Supernomics。 是次活動的指導教授馮嘉耀教授表示:「學生自選理論拍 攝短片,能夠讓他們了解經濟理論的原理,真正吸收並轉 為己用。」 T o encourage secondary students to creatively interpret economic theories by using daily life examples, the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics at the Business School organized the ‘When Adam Smith Meets Steve Jobs’ video production contest in collaboration with the Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. The contest received entries from 66 teams from local secondary schools. The winning teams attended the award presentation ceremony held on 19 May on campus. Those teams receiving the highest overall scores were presented the Economics Creativity Academy Awards. They are the ‘Star 5’ team of Evangel College, which used a localized version of the popular Taiwanese movie You Are the Apple of My Eye to explain the monopoly created by an unbalanced sex ratio in schools; the ‘Economic Power’ team of the Heep Yunn School, which illustrated various economics theories with a time-travel drama; the ‘5-Man Economy’ team of Cheung Chuk Shan College, which reflected on the current issues of 播道書院優勝隊伍與商學院副院長(本科生課程)范建強教授(右一) Students of Evangel College and Prof. Fan Kin-keung Dennis (1st right), associate dean of CUHK Business School (Undergraduates) inflation and local GDP; and the ‘Supernomics’ team of Diocesan Girls’ School, which illustrated its points with an example drawn from secondary school life, i.e., exam preparation. ‘We encourage students to produce videos to interpret economic theories. It’s effective for students to truly absorb knowledge and convert it to their own use,’ said Prof. Fung Ka-yiu Michael, instructor of the contest.
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