Newsletter No. 354
No. 354, 19.3.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 電子工程學生研發物流監控系統獲金獎 Engineering Students’ Logistics System Wins Gold 本 校兩名電子工程學系學生率先應用無線電射頻 識別技術(RFID)於物流監控系統上,因而獲頒 2009年度香港無線射頻識別大獎金獎(大學生組)。現有 兩家公司正與中大協商,以開發該系統,期望最快於半年 後正式用於貨運上。 RFID是透過無線電訊號識別物件並進行讀寫操作的通訊 技術,已廣泛應用到不同的生活層面如八達通及特區護照 等。電子工程學系的洪榮鴻( 左 )及林浩( 右 ),在該系吳克 利教授指導下,以RFID技術研發了一套即時監測貨物情況 的智能系統。系統的特色在於標籤內裝有多種傳感器,以 量度所附物件的溫度、濕度及振動情況。只需將標籤貼於 貨箱內,傳感器便可將所讀得的數據通過無線電發送到接 收器。當數據超出預設標準,系統便會即時發出警報,讓 運輸工人及時調整,減少貨物在付運過程中出現損壞。 系統的接收器能同時應付多達一百個標籤的訊號,接收距 離更遠至八十米,故適用於最大型的貨櫃或載有多種不同 貨品的同一貨櫃。林浩表示:「現有的物流監測系統一般 都忽略監測貨物的振動情況,但我們的系統卻兼顧了這一 點,尤其適用於運送易碎和易洩漏的貨品,如古董、玻璃 及液體等。」 是項技術不但保障貨品質素,更可減省檢查的人力資源及 時間。洪榮鴻說:「系統的應用範圍更可延伸至大型貨倉、 溫室或酒莊,以監察室內不同位置的溫度及濕度,並兼具 monitor temperature, humidity and vibration. Readings will then be transmitted to the reader controller. Whenever the system detects a situation beyond preset standards, it will alert the transporters. The reader controller can receive readings from a hundred sensors from up to 80 metres away. Thus the system can be used for the biggest containers or a container with various kinds of goods. Lam Ho said, ‘Our system places emphasis on vibration which is being neglected by current logistic monitoring systems, thus extending its applications to the transportation of fragile and leaky goods such as antiques, glass, and liquid.’ The system not only provides assurance to the quality of goods, but also reduces labour-intensive checking and the time consumed. Hung Wing-hung said, ‘It can be applied to large-scale warehouses, greenhouses, and wine cellars. The system also features a burglar- proof function. Unusual movements of goods will set off an alarm.’ 商學生蟬聯管理個案挑戰賽冠軍 Champion for the Second Year at JUBMC 本 校工商管理學 院繼去年在大 專聯校管理個案挑戰 賽奪魁,今年再展實 力,派出兩支隊伍,擊 敗逾一百四十隊對手, 勇摘冠軍和季軍。 比賽以真實商業案例 為題,要求參賽隊伍撰 寫方案,解決企業管 理危機,藉此加強大 學生了解商業社會及團隊合作的重要性。今年的個案是一 間科技公司的人事管理問題。中大的冠軍隊由兩名工商管 理學士綜合課程一年級生( 左起 )劉奕亨和李浚軒,以及 三名工商管理學士—法律博士一 年級生詹子浚、潘楚怡及王悅淇 組成。至於季軍隊員則是工商管 理學士綜合課程二年級生的梁幸 發、黃家恆、余美華及三年級生劉 穎妍和梁淑敏。 T wo teams from the CUHK Faculty of Business Administration defeated over 140 counterparts from local tertiary institutions to become the champion and the second runner-up at the Joint- University Business Management Challenge (JUBMC) 2009. CUHK was the champion last year. 樂韻繞庭院 Lantern Festival Concert • 中 國文化研究所的中 庭在2月26日張燈結 綵,樂韻縈繞,逾百名來賓 及學生出席研究所及藝術行 政主任辦公室合辦的「李氏 之音」元宵音樂會。除有莫 應基先生率領九龍真光中學 古箏團演奏外,亦設燈謎競 猜及茶點招待,為佳節增添 雅興。 The business case competition focused on real life managerial problems, aiming at enhancing participants’ understanding of the business world and promoting team spirit. This year participating teams were asked to provide feasible solutions to issues on the human resources management of a technology company. The CUHK champion team comprised (from left) Lau Yik- hang Derek, Li Tsun-hin (both Integrated BBA Year 1), Jim Chi-tsun Jevon, Poon Cho-yi Milly, and Wong Yuet-ki Tina (all BBA-JD Year 1). The second-runner- up prize went to Leung Hang-faat Alex, Wong Ka-hang Gavin, Yu Mei-wa Christy (all Integrated BBA Year 2), Lau Wing-yin Sharon and Leung Suk-man Joanne (both Integrated BBA Year 3). 防盜功能。萬一有人在非常規情 況下移動貨品,系統便會即時示 警,避免貨主蒙受損失。」 T he ‘Smart Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System for Logistics Application’ designed by two CUHK electronic engineering students received the gold award of the Hong Kong RFID Awards 2009 (Undergraduate Stream) for its innovative application in monitoring goods during transportation to avoid damage. Two companies are negotiating with CUHK for further development of the system and putting it on the market in six months. RFID is an identification and read-write communication technology by using radio waves. It is widely used in daily life, such as on the Octopus card and the HKSAR passport. By using RFID, Hung Wing-hung (left) and Lam Ho (right), under the supervision of Prof. Wu Keli of the Department of Electronic Engineering, designed a real-time smart monitoring system. Tags affixed to goods and cargo are implanted with sensors to J ointly organized by the Institute of Chinese Studies and the Office of Arts Administrator, the ‘Music for C.M. Li and You—Lantern Festival Concert’ was held at the courtyard of the Institute on 26 February. Led by Mr. Mok Ying-ki, Kowloon True Light Middle School Guzheng Ensemble performed for over a hundred audience, including staff and students. Lantern riddles were posted and snacks were served.
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