Newsletter No. 354
No. 354, 19.3.2010 七絕二首 祝賀錕弟榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎 十月六日快訊傳來,喜不自勝感而賦此 高鋅 彩雲海外喜頒迎, 捷報頻傳滿視屏; 科技人文光纖夢, 如今寰宇濟蒼生。 (高錕於1974年即創新發明光導纖維通訊, 在西方被譽為「光纖之父」。) 命名早躍小行星, 諾獎今朝更蜚聲; 報國讀書民族志, 辛勤造就我華英。 (1996年中國科學院將一顆國際編號為 3463的小行星命名為「高錕星」以彰其績。) (接上頁 Continued ) 桂冠學人返故園 The Lore of a Laureate 高錕教授伉儷( 左二及三 )回港後,首次出席的活動,就是回到校園,主持2月5日「桂冠學人返故園─中大 前校長兼諾貝爾獎得主高錕教授成就展」開幕典禮。主禮嘉賓還包括香港特區行政長官兼大學監督曾蔭權 博士( 右四 )、中大校董會主席鄭海泉博士( 右三 )、署理校長華雲生教授( 左一 ),以及兩位博文講座教授兼 諾獎得主楊振寧教授( 右二 )和莫理斯爵士( 右一 )。 當日約二百多位大學成員和嘉賓雲集一堂,歡迎光纖之父,並獻上祝賀與問候。更有無數人士透過大學網站 的實時廣播,分享重聚歡慶的溫暖場面。 Professor and Mrs. Charles Kao’s (3rd and 2nd left) first public appearance since coming back to Hong Kong took the form of a homecoming—officiating at the opening ceremony of the CUHK exhibition ‘The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate’ on 5 February. They were joined by Dr. the Honourable Donald Tsang (4th right), Chief Executive of the HKSAR and CUHK Chancellor; Dr. Vincent Cheng (3rd right), Council Chairman; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (1st left), Acting Vice-Chancellor; as well as two Distinguished Professors-at-Large and Nobel Laureates of CUHK, Prof. Yang Chen-ning (2nd right) and Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees (1st right). Over 200 University members and distinguished guests gathered on this joyful occasion to welcome the ‘Father of Fiber Optics’. The moment of reunion and jubilation was shared by many others who watched the ceremony live on the CUHK website. 暢聚話舊 Homecoming Dinner 與聯合書院淵源深厚的高錕教授於2月25日出席該院在張祝珊師生康 樂大樓文怡閣設的歡迎晚宴,與好友共聚。 高教授早於1970年加入聯合書院,並創立電子學系,其夫人高黃美芸 於晚宴上致辭,表示高教授身為聯合人,重返校園倍感喜悅。與昔日 同袍重聚,握手談天,高教授容光煥發,精神奕奕。院長馮國培教授 ( 右 )代表書院致送由全體同仁簽名的紀念賀卡予高教授,感謝他多年 來對書院的貢獻。 United College hosted a dinner banquet in honour of Professor Kao, a ‘United Man’, on 25 February at the Staff Common Room, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building. The bond between United College and Professor Kao began in 1970 when he joined the College to establish the Department of Electronics. At the banquet, Mrs. Kao expressed the joy of returning to the College as United College members. Professor Kao looked radiantly happy and energetic, and shook hands with everybody. Prof. Fung Kwok-pui (right), head of United College, presented a congratulatory card signed by all participants at the dinner to Professor Kao to extend the deepest appreciation to him for his contribution to the College. 來自上海的賀語 Tribute from Shanghai 遠居於上海的高錕教授堂兄高鋅先生特別題字和賦詩兩首,贈予中文大學,以誌高教授獲獎之盛。 Mr. Kao Xin, Professor Kao’s first cousin in Shanghai, sent CUHK a couplet written in calligraphy and two poems he penned in praise of Professor Kao’s outstanding contribution.
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