Newsletter No. 354
No. 354, 19.3.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 聯合書院順風計劃啟動 United College Hitchoffer Launched • 聯 合書院於今年伊始 推出「聯合書院順風 計劃」,鼓勵書院教職員駕 駛時,順道接載學生及同事 到校園內雙方同意的地點。 計劃旨在宣揚團結互助,推 己及人的聯合書院精神,並 藉此加強大學同仁的環保意 識。 順風計劃啟動儀式於2月 23日假聯合校園舉行。岑維 休先生德育計劃捐款人及 書院校董會主席岑才生先生 ( 左七 )致辭,感激參與的教職員,並指出計劃 凸顯了書院教職員對學生的關顧,期望學生從中能夠獲得 啟發,關心身邊的人,令書院的品德教育得以承傳。 提供義載者會在其車輛擋風玻璃左下角放置順風計劃的 標誌,而上車地點由義載者決定,一般為校巴站附近。下 車地點則由義載者和乘客於開車前議定,但以義載者的意 願為主。計劃亦建議以曾肇添樓、范克廉樓、富爾敦樓、何 添樓或大學港鐵站為上/下車的地點。 A n innovative free-ride campaign, ‘United College Hitchoffer’, was launched in 2010 to invite College members to offer students and staff members free rides to mutually-agreed-on locations on campus. ‘United College Hitchoffer’ aims at upholding the College’s amiable spirit and to raise environmental awareness. The launching ceremony was held on 23 February on United College campus. Mr. Shum Choi-sang (7th left) , donor of the Mr. Shum Wai Yau Moral Education Scheme and chairman of the College Board of Trustees, spoke on the occasion and thanked the volunteers for serving the community and putting into practice the College motto. It is also hoped that students will be inspired and be zealous to contribute to the betterment of society. United College members offering a free ride (volunteers) will display a ‘United College Hitchoffer‘ up or down signage at the bottom left-hand corner of the windscreen. Volunteers decide the pickup points, which are generally near school bus stops. The drop-off points are to be agreed between volunteers and passengers before the ride, but the former’s preferences should prevail. Suggested pickup/drop-off points are Tsang Shiu Tim Building, Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, Ho Tim Building, and the University MTR Station. 三通後兩岸四地的新形勢 What Happens after Direct Transport Links? • 聯 合書院2010年周年研討會於3月5日假西部綜合 教學大樓舉行,主題為「三通後兩岸四地的新形 勢」,邀得( 右起 )《亞洲周刊》總編輯邱立本先生、一國 兩制研究中心總裁張志剛先生及亞太台商聯合總會總會 長潘漢唐先生為嘉賓講者,並與逾四百名出席的師生及 校友熱烈討論。書院資深導師黃鉅鴻教授( 左一 )為大會 主持。 T he 2010 Annual Workshop of United College was held on 5 March at the Teaching Complex at Western Campus. With the theme ’Mainland China, Hong Kong, 內地學生及家長春節遊校園 Mainland Students and Parents Visit CUHK • 入 學及學生資助處於2月19日舉辦了校園半天遊,招 待逾百名來自北京、上海、重慶、遼寧、四川、江西、 浙江、福建、廣西、廣東及深圳等地的中學生和家長,另還 有來自新加坡的訪客。 當日節目包括中文大學短片欣賞,參觀大學圖書館、實驗 室和學生宿舍,正在中大就讀的內地生親述他們的大學生 活。學生與家長們亦順道參觀了「桂冠學人返故園─中 大前校長兼諾貝爾獎得主高錕教授成就展」。 一位來自遼寧的家長表示:「參觀過中大之後,令我對香 港的高等教育更有信心。中大幽美的校園、優良的教學設 備,以及卓越的師資隊伍,是絕對理想的升學選擇。」另一 位來自深圳的學生則指出:「中大開放的校園,讓我也感 受到大學的學術開放氣氛。我相信在這環境下求學,對學 生的發展也大有幫助。」 入學及學生資助處每年都為內地中學生舉辦多次校園遊, 旨在讓學生及其家長親臨中大,進一步認識大學的教學特 色和感受校園氣氛。 O ver a hundred mainland secondary students and their parents joined the half-day campus tour organized by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) on 19 February. They came from Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Liaoning, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Shenzhen, and even Singapore. Activites included watching the CUHK video, visiting the University Library, laboratories, hostels, and the exhibition ‘The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate’. Mainland undergraduates at the University also shared their studying experience with the visitors. A parent from Liaoning said, ‘I am more confident about Hong Kong’s tertiary education after the visit. With a picturesque campus, state-of-the-art facilities, and distinguished academic members, CUHK is definitely the ideal place for university education.’ A student from Shenzhen pointed out, ‘The open campus reflects the intellectual freedom CUHK possesses which is beneficial for students’ development.’ The OAFA organizes campus tours for mainland secondary students and their parents regularly. The tours aim at familiarizing them with the special features of the Chinese University. Macau, Taiwan: A Post- San Tong (三通) Development’, (from right) Mr. Yau Lop-poon, editor-in-chief of Yazhou Zhoukan , Mr. Cheung Chi-kong, executive director of the One Country Two Systems Research Institute, and Mr. Alexander Pann, chairman of the Asia Pacific Taiwan Federation of Industry and Commerce were invited as the guest speakers. The moderator was Prof. Jeremiah K.H. Wong (1st left), senior college tutor, United College. The speakers shared their views with an audience of over 400, including staff, students and alumni.
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