Newsletter No. 372
8 No. 372, 19.2.2011 ACHIEVEMENTS 成 就 環球商業學課程創新獲表揚 GLOBE Programme Receives Innovation Award 由 中大、丹麥哥本哈根商學院及美國北卡羅來納州 大學合辦的環球商業學課程,獲國際教育協會頒 發2011海斯克爾國際教育革新獎大學國際合作組別的優 異獎。 該課程的主任張偉雄教授表示:「自成立至今,環球商業 學課程錄取全港最頂尖的學生,致力培訓他們成為具出色 溝通技巧及富國際視野的工商管理專業人才。課程得到國 際肯定,我們感到非常鼓舞。」 國際教育協會於2001年創辦海斯克爾國際教育革新獎, 表揚有創新國際教育意念的會員院校,尤其嘉許破除體制 障礙及提升校園國際化參與人數的教育意念。 T he Global Learning Opportunities in Business Education (GLOBE) Programme, jointly offered by CUHK, Copenhagen Business School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was awarded Honourable Mention in the category of International Partnerships in 2011 Andrew Heiskell Awards for Innovation in initiatives that remove institutional barriers and broaden the base of participation in international teaching and learning on campus. 環球商業學課程學生到美國納斯達克交易所實地考察 Students of GLOBE went on study trips to visit NASDAQ in the US 中大教職員壁球賽奪六獎 CU Staff Bagged Six Squash Awards 由 中大體育部與香港教育專業人員協會合辦的「全 港教師壁球錦標賽2010」於2010年12月29至30日 舉行。經過兩天龍爭 虎鬥,六位中大教職 員在多個組別獲得獎 項:陳偉民先生(校園 發展處)獲男子乙組 冠軍、蘇永強先生(教 育學院)獲男子乙組亞 軍、張峻先生(教育學 院)獲男子甲組亞軍、 吳嘉韋先生(教育學 院)及陳志明先生(體 育部)並列男子甲組季 軍及李秀瑩小姐(體育 部)獲女子乙組季軍。 International Education by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Prof. Gordon Cheung, programme director of GLOBE, remarked, ‘GLOBE has attracted top-notch students in Hong Kong since its establishment. It has been very successful in nurturing business management talent with strong communication skills, extensive international exposure and a global mindset. We are very happy that GLOBE has received international attention and recognition.’ IIE launched the Andrew Heiskell Awards for Innovation in International Education in 2001 to promote and honour the most outstanding initiatives being conducted in international higher education by IIE Network member universities and colleges. It is particularly interested in highlighting O rganized by the Physical Education Unit of CUHK and the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union, ‘the Hong Kong Teachers Squash Championships 2010’ was held from 29 to 30 December 2010. Six CUHK staff took part in this two-day tournament and were awarded different prizes. They were: Mr. Chan Wai-man (Campus Development Office)— champion of Men’s Division B; Mr. So Wing- keung (Faculty of Education)—1st runner-up of Men’s Division B; Mr. Cheung Chun (Faculty of Education)—1st runner-up of Men’s Division A; Mr. Ng Ka-wai (Faculty of Education) and Mr. Chan Chi-ming (Physical Education Unit)— 2nd runners-up of Men’s Division A; Ms. Li Sau-ying (Physical Education Unit)—2nd runner-up of Women’s Division B. 服 務 社 群 SERVICES Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office Prof. Sian Griffiths, Professor of Public Health, has been • re-appointed as a member of the Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases for two years from 20 October 2010. She has also been re- appointed as the chairman of the Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease Committee for three years from 15 November 2010. Prof. Lee Tze-fan Diana, Professor of Nursing and director • of the Nethersole School of Nursing, was appointed as the visiting professor of Shantou University Medical College in November 2010. Prof. Lee Tak-shing Dominic, co-director of the Master of • Science Programme, Postgraduate Diploma Programme and Diploma Programme in Women’s Health Studies, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Post-Release Supervision Board for three years from 30 November 2010. Prof. Wing Yun-kwok, professor in the Department of • Psychiatry, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Post-Release Supervision Board for three years from 30 November 2010. Prof. Ho Puay-peng, director and professor in the School of • Architecture, has been re-appointed by the Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel under Section 45 of the Buildings Ordinance for one year from 1 December 2010. Prof. Lim Wan-fung Bernard Vincent, professor in the School • of Architecture, has been re-appointed by the Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel under Section 45 of the Buildings Ordinance for one year from 1 December 2010. Prof. Tso Wung-wai, adjunct professor in the School of Life • Sciences, has been re-appointed by the Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel under Section 45 of the Buildings Ordinance for one year from 1 December 2010. Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Medicine, has been re-appointed by • the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Hospital Authority for two years from 1 December 2010. Prof. Albert Lee, director of the Centre for Health Education • and Health Promotion, has been appointed by the Chief Justice as a member of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel for three years from 2 December 2010. Prof. Cheng Chun-yiu Jack, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor • of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, has been re-appointed as a member of the University Grants Committee for three years from 1 January 2011. Dr. Lee Sze-kuen Victor, director of School of Continuing • and Professional Studies, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Manpower Development Committee for two years from 1 January 2011. Prof. Zhang Junsen, associate dean of Social Science, Wei • Lun Professor of Economics and co-director of Institute of Economics and Finance, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Manpower Development Committee for two years from 1 January 2011. Awards Prof. Andrew Parkin, senior college tutor in Shaw College, • was given an award for his services to China-Canada Literary Relations by the Chinese Canadian Writers’ Association on 31 August 2010. Prof. Zhao Zhenkai, Professor of Humanities, has been • awarded the 1st Changwon KC International Literary Prize for Poetry on 4 September 2010. 李秀瑩小姐及陳志明先生 Ms. Li Sau-ying and Mr. Chan Chi- ming 左起:張峻先生、蘇永強先生、吳嘉韋先生、陳偉民先生 From left: Mr. Cheung Chun, Mr. So Wing-keung, Mr. Ng Ka-wai, and Mr. Chan Wai-man
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