Newsletter No. 360
No. 360, 19.6.2010 《加利利海的破曉》 阮健驄,人事處 Dawn at the Sea of Galilee Yuen Kin-chung, Personnel Office O 「防止性騷擾」短片及漫畫創作比賽 ‘Preventing Sexual Harassment’ Short Video & Comic Drawing Competition 為慶祝防止性騷擾委員會成立十五周年,委員會現舉辦短片及漫畫創作比賽,以提高大學 成員性別平等及預防性騷擾的意識。比賽分短片組及漫畫組,歡迎教職員和學生以個人或 隊伍名義報名參賽。 比賽章程及報名表格可於委員會網頁 下 載,或到大學行政 樓LG10秘書處索取。歡迎致電2609 8716或電郵 至 查詢比賽詳情。 The Committee Against Sexual Harassment is organizing the Short Video & Comic Drawing Competition to commemorate its 15th anniversary with the aim of enhancing awareness of gender equality and the need to prevent sexual harassment among members of the University community. The competition is divided into the Short Video and the Comic Drawing categories. The competition is open to all staff and students. Contestants can enter on an individual or a group basis. The ‘Terms of Competition and Entry Form’ can be downloaded from policy/harass or obtained from the Secretariat, LG10, University Administration Building. For enquiries, please call 2609 8716 or email 《中大通訊》讀者意見調查結果 CUHK Newsletter Reader Survey Result 《中大通訊》早前進行網上讀者意見調查,反應熱烈,收到逾千回覆,提出多項寶貴意見, 協助本刊持續進步,本刊同仁銘感萬分。調查結果摘要已上載資訊處網頁( . hk/iso/b5/ ),歡迎閱覽。 The CUHK Newsletter recently conducted an e-survey to collect reader’s views on the publication, and has received over 1,000 responses. Thank you very much for your support. Your invaluable views and ideas will help us to improve the publication. The summary of findings has been uploaded to the website of the Information Services Office ( ). Prof. Yu Tak-sun Ignatius, professor in the School of Public Health and Primary Care, has been appointed as an academic consultant of Fuzhou Municipal Center of Disease Control and Prevention for two years from 1 January 2010. Dr. Lee Sze-kuen Victor, director of School of Continuing and Professional Studies, has been commissioned as an international advisory member for the City of Changwon, Republic of Korea on 18 March 2010. Prof. Cheung Chin-hung Sidney, chairman of Department of Anthropology, has been invited to serve as a museum expert advisor (Ethnography/Intangible Cultural Heritage Panel) to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Chiu Siu-wai, associate professor in the Department of Biology, has been appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health as a member of the Agricultural Products Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Chu Ka-hou, professor in the Department of Biology, has been appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health as a member of the Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Suzanne C. Ho, Professor of Community and Family Medicine, has been re-appointed by the Hospital Authority Board as a member of the New Territories Regional Advisory Committee representing Cheshire Home, Shatin for two years from 1 April 2010. Mr. Kwok Wai-leung Anthony, general manager of the CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control, has been appointed by the Occupational Safety and Health Council as a member of the Clerical Staff Safety and Health Committee for three years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Lau Tze-kin, professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, has been re-appointed by the Hospital Authority Board as a member of the New Territories Regional Advisory Committee representing CUHK for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Lu Lie-dan Tracey, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology, has been re-appointed as a museum expert advisor (archaeology) to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Tan Chee-beng, professor in the Department of Anthropology, has been invited to serve as a museum expert advisor (Ethnography/Intangible Cultural Heritage Panel) to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Che Chun-tao, director of School of Chinese Medicine, has been appointed as a member of the expert panel of Hong Kong Poison Control Network for three years from 21 April 2010. Awards Prof. Wong Tak-jun, Dean of Business Administration, has been awarded the title of honorary professor of accounting by the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China on 18 December 2009. Prof. Chiu Wai-yan Philip, associate professor in the Department of Surgery, has been awarded the GB Ong Travelling Fellowship for 2010. Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 哈佛燕京學社進修資助計劃 Scholarship/Fellowship at Harvard–Yenching Institute 哈佛燕京學社現接受本校人文學科及社會科學教員申請2011至12年度進修資助計劃,詳情 如下: 訪問學人資助計劃 資助人文學科及社會科學教員前往哈佛大學進修或從事研究工作,為期十一個月。資助項目 包括來回機票、生活津貼(每月三千五百美元)、醫療津貼,以及參加美國及加拿大境內學 術研討會津貼(上限五百美元)。 訪問研究員資助計劃 資助博士研究生前往哈佛大學從事研究工作,為期十個月。從事有關比較東亞研究者將獲 優先考慮。資助項目包括來回機票、訪問研究員津貼、生活津貼(每月二千三百美元),以及 參加美國及加拿大境內學術研討會津貼(上限五百美元)。 申請人須把申請表格(可於人事處網頁 //personnel/ stafftrain_ext.asp 下載)及有關文件,於2010年7月20日或之前經所屬學系系主任/部門主 管及學院院長送交培訓事務經理周偉榮先生,俾轉呈常務副校長考慮。 哈佛燕京學社之代表或會來港接見經大學推薦、通過初部甄選之申請人。查詢請致電人事處 (2609 7876)。 Applications/nominations are now invited from faculty members in the humanities and social sciences for the following two Harvard–Yenching Programmes tenable in 2011–12: Visiting Scholars Programme This programme offers younger faculty members in the humanities and social sciences an opportunity to study and conduct research at Harvard University for 11 months. The scholarship will cover round-trip transportation by air, a monthly stipend of US$3,500, fees for health insurance and the use of the Harvard Health Service, and funding of up to US$500 for participation in an academic conference within the US and Canada. Visiting Fellows Programme This programme provides advanced PhD candidates (advanced graduate students and junior faculty members) an opportunity to do dissertation research at Harvard University for three semesters. Preference is given to those working in comparative East Asian studies. The fellowship will cover round-trip airfare, the Harvard University Visiting Fellows fee, a monthly stipend of US$2,300 and funding of up to US$500 for participation in an academic conference within the US and Canada. Application forms are obtainable at the Personnel Office’s website ( https://perntc.per.cuhk . _ ext.asp ). Nominees should submit the completed application forms and requisite supporting documents, with the endorsement of the department chairman/unit head and the Faculty Dean as appropriate, to Mr. Daniel Chow, training manager before 20 July 2010 for consideration by the Provost. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by the Harvard–Yenching Institute interview panel in Hong Kong. For enquires, please contact the Personnel Office at 2609 7876.
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