Newsletter No. 352
No. 352, 4.2.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 2010至11學年起實施新學號格式 New Student ID Format Takes Effect from 2010–11 • 由 2010至11學年起,大學本科生和研究生的學號將 出現新面貌,由八位改為十位。 新書院將於2010年開始收生,加上在2012年新學制下,學 生人數大幅增加,舊有學號格式已不敷應用。為此,中大 學生信息(CUSIS)項目督導委員會,與各書院、學院及行 政部門共同研究,設計了新一代的學號格式,並通報了教 務處和資訊科技服務處的學生諮詢組織,最後經大學行政 與計劃委員會通過。 新學號的十位數字格式將不再包含入學年份和所屬書院, 但這些屬性在2010至11學年中大學生信息項目啟動後,會 在系統中顯示,不會妨礙各部門的正常運作。 在新制度下,學生從本科入學,直至進修碩士、博士等高 級學位,以及其後的校友身分,均使用一個終身通用的固 定學號。這個安排讓大學能有效整合學生在校的學業紀 錄,提升行政效率。 2010至11學年新學號推行後,在校學生的學 號也須隨之更改。為方便記憶,所有在校同學 及已畢業校友,只須在現時或舊有學號前冠 以「10」,即成為新的學號或校友編號,例如 08123456便將改為1008123456。 目前,資訊科技服務處及各有關部門正在更 新各資訊系統的身分核實、數據庫檢索等功 能,以配合新的學號格式。 CUSIS項目總監梁光漢先生( 圖 )說:「我們明白學號格 式的更改,會為同學和老師帶來一些短期的不便。但我們 也期望和感謝同仁的理解和支持,為大學的持續發展付 出一分力量。」 欲了解更改學號的細節,以及CUSIS項目的背景和進度, 可瀏覽該項目網站: 。 S tarting from the academic year 2010–11, the student ID number of all CUHK undergraduates and postgraduates will change from an 8-digit to a 10-digit format. With the admission of the first cohort of students in two new Colleges in 2010 and the increase in student population due to the introduction of the new four- year curriculum in 2012, our current student ID format can no longer meet our needs. The Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) Steering Committee has therefore worked together with all Colleges, Faculties and administrative units to design a new student ID format. Following communication sessions with the student-user consultation committees of both the Office of Registry Services and the Information Technology Services Centre, the proposed format was approved by the Administrative and Planning Committee. The new 10-digit format will no longer carry information on the student’s admission year or college affiliation. But with the scheduled deployment of the CUSIS Project in the 2010–11 academic year, these attributes will be conveniently displayed on all information systems without impacting on most existing applications and workflows. Under the new practice, the student ID number will be a unique and lifelong identity of a student, regardless of class and major. That is, students returning to further their studies or alumni will continue to use the same student ID number. This arrangement facilitates the integration of students’ academic records. The new ID number format will come into effect in the coming academic year. For smooth transition, the new ID number of all current students and alumni will simply be their existing ID number prefixed with ‘10’ (e.g. 08123456 will become 1008123456). The ITSC and other offices are now updating the authentication and database query functions of their information systems to accommodate this change. Philip Leung (photo), CUSIS project director, said, ‘We understand that the change in student ID format may take some getting used to in the short term. We would appreciate your understanding and support. This change is crucial to the University’s long-term development.’ For details of this exercise and the progress of the CUSIS Project, please visit: . 非 酒精性脂肪肝(脂肪肝)是常見的 慢性肝病,並有可能惡化至肝硬化 和肝癌,而由脂肪肝惡化至肝硬化,必先經 過肝纖維化此階段。傳統上,肝活檢是評估 肝纖維化最準確方法。但這項檢查或會令 病人感到痛楚,亦有少量內出血的風險。 有見及此,中大肝臟護理中心與法國波爾多 大學於2009年合作研究,測試以無創肝纖 維化掃瞄器量度肝纖維化的準確度。參與 研究的二百四十六名脂肪肝患者先以肝纖 維化掃瞄量度肝硬度,並根據結果評估肝 纖維化程度,其後再接受肝活檢來確定病 情,藉以比較兩項檢測的結果。 結果發現,這批患者中有一百四十八位(百 分之六十)的肝纖維化掃瞄結果與肝活檢有 百分之九十七相同。餘下的九十八位,須進 一步檢查才可確診病情。 是次研究證實了以肝纖維化掃瞄評估脂肪肝患者的肝纖 維化程度的可靠度和準確度,建議可用作第一線檢查工 具,減低病人非必要地接受肝活檢的風險。 N onalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease worldwide. Patients with NAFLD may develop progressive disease, resulting in cirrhosis and liver cancer. Liver fibrosis is the intermediate step to cirrhosis. Traditionally, liver biopsy is the gold standard test for the assessment of liver fibrosis. But liver biopsy may result in pain in some patients and internal bleeding. In collaboration with the University of Bordeaux in France, the CUHK Centre for Liver Health conducted a study in 2009 to test the accuracy of Fibroscan in NAFLD patients. Two hundred and forty-six patients with NAFLD first underwent Fibroscan for liver fibrosis assessment. Then all patients had liver biopsies to confirm disease severity. The accuracy of Fibroscan was assessed by comparing the results of Fibroscan and liver biopsies. Among 246 patients, the results of Fibroscan and live biopsy of 148 patients (60%) were concordant in 97% of cases. The remaining 98 patients required further diagnostic follow-up. The study confirmed the reliability and accuracy of Fibroscan in the evaluation of NAFLD. This can reduce the need for liver biopsies and save costs. Therefore, CUHK Centre for Liver Health recommends the use of Fibroscan as the screening test in NAFLD patients. 肝臟護理中心主席陳力元教授(左)與內科及藥物治療學系名譽臨床導師黃麗虹醫生 (中)示範使用肝纖維化掃瞄器 Prof. Chan Lik-yuen Henry (left), director, Centre for Liver Health, and Dr. Wong Lai- hung Grace (centre), honoray clinical tutor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, demonstrate the fibroscan machine 無創技術準確 減低非必要肝活檢風險 Non-invasive Technology Proved to Reduce Need for Liver Biopsy
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