Newsletter No. 345
No. 345, 19.10.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 余卓文教授「心連心」講座 Prof. Yu Cheuk-man on Heart Diseases • 中 大內科及藥物治療學系心臟科主管、醫學院助理 院長余卓文教授獲委任為內科及藥物治療學講座 教授。他在9月23日以「心連心」為題舉行講座教授就職 演講。 余教授指出心臟病為全球最嚴重的疾病之一,本港百分之 十五人口患有高血壓、百分之五有冠心病、百分之二有心臟 衰竭,另外百分之二有心律不整問題。高病發率不僅引致 龐大的醫療開支,也威脅病人性命。 過去二十多年,醫學界不僅對心臟病日益了解,更研製了 多種更佳的治療方案,大大減低治療技術的入侵性。有 效的藥物治療相繼出現,公眾對心臟病亦愈見認識,令 人鼓舞。 P rof. Yu Cheuk-man, head of the Division of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and assistant dean of the Faculty of Medicine, has been appointed Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics. He delivered a professorial inaugural lecture titled ‘Heart to Heart’ on 23 September. Professor Yu said heart diseases were among the most important health issues in most parts of the globe. Such high prevalence were readily reflected by Hong Kong’s figures: hypertension affects more than 15% of the population, coronary heart disease more than 5%, heart failure 2% and another 2% of the population suffer from cardiac arrhythmia. Heart diseases cause suffering and deaths, not to mention the huge health expenditure involved. Nevertheless, great strides have been made in cardiology over the past two decades in the handling of many of these conditions. Encouraging advancements have been seen in various fronts: from a better understanding of the nature of the disease to the development of better and less invasive diagnostic tools and the advent of more effective therapies. Social awareness has also been raised thanks to public education programmes. 社工系師生分享支持四川災後重建經驗 Sharing of Sichuan Post-quake Reconstruction Experience • 社 會工作學系於9月26日舉行四川地震災後重建工作 分享會,師生向近六十位出席者講述去年8月至今 年8月期間參與四川地震災後精神重建工作的經歷、心得 與感受。 社工系專業顧問梁玉麒博士講述與災後北川中學同行的 經驗,他曾兩次帶隊前往四川綿陽市,為該校師生提供 災後心靈重建服務:去年8月為喪失親友的人士開辦哀傷 輔導營,強化災後家人、家庭及同事之間的相互聯結和支 持;另又於本年6月推行「北 川中學心靈和文化重建」計 劃,利用藝術媒介,例如舞 蹈、繪畫、攝影等,令受助學 生能利用內在資源面對災後 創傷。 此外,五位參加為期十二周 實習的同學,述說他們的體 驗及得着,並憶述其中的感 動片段。他們深深體會受助 者積極發揮內在力量,在災 後面對未來。 T he Department of Social Work held a Sichuan post-quake reconstruction work sharing session on 26 September 2009, to share with nearly 60 participants 中大獲捐款支持內地生 CUHK Receives Donation to Support Mainland Students • the insights and experience gained from taking part in post-quake reconstruction work from August 2008 to August 2009. Dr. Timothy Leung Yuk-ki, professional consultant at the Department of Social Work, introduced the two service groups he led to provide post-quake spiritual reconstruction services to quake victims. In August 2008, by holding a counselling camp, the professionals from Hong Kong helped to boost the courage and confidence of those affected by the disaster and enable them to develop support networks among themselves. Dr. Leung also helped launch the Beichuan Middle School Spiritual and Cultural Reconstruction Project in June 2009. The project made use of creative media such as dance, art and photography to tap into students’ inner resources and help them deal with post-quake trauma. Other speakers included five students who participated in a 12-week field placement. They talked about their field visits, the services they rendered and touching moments in Sichuan. 中 大獲商業電台創辦人何佐芝先生以「何佐芝馮月 燕慈善基金」名義捐贈五百萬港元,為內地生設立 「商業電台五十周年獎學金」。 校長劉遵義教授表示:「我們衷心感謝何先生慷慨捐資。 這筆捐款對中大意義重大,將進一步支持大學招收本 地、全國以至全球的優秀學子,特別是中國內地偏遠地 區的同學。」 C UHK has received a donation of HK$5 million from Mr. George Ho, founder of Commercial Radio Hong Kong, in the name of ‘The Jessie & George Ho Charitable Foundation’. The donation will be used to establish the ‘Commercial Radio 50th Anniversary Scholarship’ to support mainland students studying at CUHK. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, ‘I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ho for this generous donation. This donation bears great significance to CUHK and will further support our endeavours in the recruitment of outstanding local, mainland and international students, especially those from remote regions on the mainland.’ 中大學生為四川孩子舉辦的工作坊完結儀式 The ending ritual of a workshop held by the CUHK students for the children in Sichuan
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