Newsletter No. 350
No. 350, 4.1.2010 程伯中 Prof. P.C. Ching 1 校園發展計劃將近結束,下一步將如何? The Campus Master Plan (CMP) is almost finished. Where do we go from here? 負責校園發展計劃的顧問公司已提交最後報告書,我們正 在審閱。一切都很順利,但校園規劃是個不斷發展的計劃, 不是說今天完成,二十年後又再來一遍。對於校園發展,我 們的着眼點遠不止於校園發展計劃。比如,環保、綠化、景 觀,以及所有能促進教學和研究的設施,統統是我們關心的 重點。 The consultant we hired for the CMP has submitted the final report and we’re in the process of reading it. That’s all well and good, but campus planning is an organic project that one can’t expect to wrap up today and reopen 20 years later. Our vision of campus development goes beyond the CMP. For example, we’re concerned about environmental protection, greening, landscaping, and basically how everything will come together to promote our teaching and research facilities. 2 新書院會帶來甚麼挑戰? What challenges will the new Colleges pose? 我們希望,就理想、全人教育、培養學生的社會意識和國際 觀而言,新書院的成立能為書院制度帶來新的刺激。它們為 我們提供了檢討書院不同功能的機會。要把這些理念與學 生分享,需要時間和耐性。其他困難是如何令新舊書院視對 方為夥伴,而非競爭對手。 We hope that the new Colleges will give new impetus to the college system in terms of ideals, whole-person education, students’ social awareness, and the development of an international mindset. They offer us an opportunity to review the different functions of the Colleges. But it’ll take time and patience to share these ideas with the students. The other challenge is how to enable old and new Colleges to see each other as partners rather than competitors. 3 中大學生信息系統(CUSIS)將帶來哪些便利? How will the CU Student Information System (CUSIS) make life easier for everyone? 過去,校內不同單位所用的學生信息系統,是由資訊科技 服務處按單位的各自要求開發的。但這種各自為政的程 式有其局限─資料庫不能互通,而且到處分散。為滿足 2012年新增三千名本科生的需要,我們在2008年初決定 與IBM攜手建構新的CUSIS。CUSIS的基礎是「Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise校園解決方案」,這是採用企業人 力資源規劃(ERP)技術的行政管理系統,能把大學作業的 不同部分整合起來。日後我們將採用中央資料庫,使用者可 以用它來管理學生資料,如入學和註冊資料、選課和登記, 評核和考試紀錄、學生財政和校友紀錄。新系統還有學生 自助查詢功能。 We used to rely on our own Information Technology Services Centre to develop in-house student information systems for different units. But an in-house program has limitations—databases are not mutually compatible, not to mention scattered all over the place. To address the needs of an extra 3,000 undergraduate students in 2012, we decided in early 2008, to join hands with IBM to work on the new CU Student Information System. CUSIS will be built on Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that will integrate all facets of our operations. There will be one central database and users will be allowed to manage student data such as admission and registration, course selection and enrolment, assessment and examination records, student financial and alumni records. There’ll also be self-service functions for students. 4 CUSIS的開發進度如何? What is the progress of the CUSIS? 新軟件正在設計,2010年會分階段測試,嘗試做資料移轉, 再培訓訓練人員。我們希望2010年第三季試運。這會是個 更有效率的系統,但需要適應,因為處理資料的方式和以往 不盡相同。 We are now in the process of designing the software and validating data migration. Testing will take place in stages, in 2010, then training-the-trainer sessions. We’re looking to have a soft launch in the third quarter of 2010. It will be a more efficient system that nonetheless may take some getting used to as it entails a different way of handling data for staff. 5 您是新成立的香港檢測和認證局主席,你將如何把香 港變成檢測和認證中心? As the new chairman of the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification, how will you help to turn Hong Kong into a hub for testing and certification? 檢測和認證是古老行業,自貿易開始出現以來就有。你製造 一件東西出口,就要符合買家所要求的產品安全和品質標 準,因此須把產品交給獨立機構檢測。香港在這方面一直 做得很有水準,儘管我們的經濟有起有落,製造業北移,但 憑着精良的儀器、人才、對國際標準的知識,加上我們的誠 信和專業有口皆碑,日後還會保持出色表現。對某些行業而 言,由香港發出的認可是有力證明。近年,由於人們更關注 食品安全和營養標籤,又不斷有新的安全和環保指標公布, 這一領域擴展得愈來愈大。我們希望幾個月內能提出一份 由市場主導的三年發展藍圖。 Testing and certification is a very old profession that’s been around since the beginning of trade. When you make something for export, you need to meet the product safety and quality standards of your buyer; therefore, you need to have it tested by an independent body. Hong Kong has been performing very well in this area and continues to do so, despite economic ups and downs and even as the centre of manufacturing moves North, thanks to excellent equipment, talent, knowledge of international standards, and our reputation for integrity and professionalism. For certain industries, a stamp of approval from Hong Kong means a lot. In recent years, this area has expanded as people become concerned about food safety and nutrition labels, and new safety and environmental indices are released. We hope that in the next few months, we can come up with a market-led, three-year blueprint for development. 6 檢測和認證對本地經濟有何影響? What impact will testing and certification have on the local economy? 發展藍圖會為香港創造就業,並提供經濟所需的刺激。然 而,把香港發展為檢測和認證中心,還有一些問題需要考 慮,例如我們是否有足夠人手,地方和政府支持,使它能進 一步發展。 The blueprint for development will create employment for Hong Kong and provide needed stimulus to the economy. However there are issues to consider in turning Hong Kong into a hub, such as whether we have adequate manpower, geographical space and government support to take it further. 7 您曾是足球迷。會不會改投其他運動,例如高爾夫球的 懷抱? You were passionate about football. Will any other sport, such as golf, ever take its place? 由於年歲漸長的關係,我已由很熱愛足球,改為從事其他我 能應付的運動,由腳下工夫轉到手上工夫,由快到慢。高爾 夫球可鍛鍊我的耐性。 Thanks to age and all that it brings, I’ve switched from being very serious about football to settling for something I can manage, from legs to arms, and from fast to slow. Golf trains my patience. 8 您對高錕教授的印象如何? What is your impression of Prof. Charles K. Kao? 高教授是眼光遠大的科學家和教育家,以有理想和誠懇稱 著。由於目光遠大,有時候他做的事情,普通人只有在事後 才能夠理解。我們曾共事九年,他退休後,大家仍在不同的 專業組織中有接觸。我當逸夫書院院長時,曾邀他為邵逸 夫爵士傑出學人講座主講。高教授獲頒諾貝爾獎是中大和 全香港的光榮,我為他感到很高興。 Charles is a visionary scientist and an educator known for his ideals and integrity. Being a visionary, he sometimes does things that ordinary people understand only in hindsight. We were colleagues for nine years, and our contact continued after his retirement, in different professional societies. As head of Shaw College, I invited him to speak at a Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Lecture. Charles’s being awarded the Nobel Prize is the Chinese University’s and Hong Kong’s honour. I’m very happy for him. 9 您對今天學工程的學生有何忠告? What advice do you have for engineering students today? 今天的學生在選擇所唸的科系時,多半只着眼於就業。他們 沒有去接觸不同事物,也沒有興趣追求知識。但你看看高錕 教授,一個有夢想並且擇善固執的人,在1966年萌生的理 念,會徹底改變四十年後的世界。大家試自問:改變人們生 活的是哪些發明?它們全都和科技和工程學有關。 Students nowadays tend to set their sights solely on employment when choosing what to study. They lack exposure and have no interest in pursuing knowledge for its own sake. But look at Professor Kao. If you are a dreamer armed with a necessary dose of persistence, an idea in 1966 will revolutionize the world 40 years later. Ask yourselves: what are the creations that change people’s lives? They all have to do with technology and engineering. 10 身為大學高層,您的最大挑戰是甚麼? What has been the greatest challenge for you as a senior university administrator? 最大的挑戰是如何協助中大實踐它的教育目標和理想,如 何為社會和國家培育人才。我們並不是只汲汲於募款和爭 奪排名,而是想創造更理想的教學和研究環境。大學校訓 是我們的理想,一直沒有改變,但達至理想的方法,或許和 以往有所不同。 The greatest challenge has been how to help CUHK realize its educational aims and ideals, how to groom talent for society and country. We are not just interested in fundraising and ranking positions, instead we strive to create a better environment for our teaching and research. Our ideals, as articulated in the University motto, remain the same, but the means by which we achieve them, may be different from eras past. 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問李歐梵教授 Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming
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