Newsletter No. 350
No. 350, 4.1.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 「2009中大校友日」人數破紀錄 Biggest Ever Alumni Homecoming • 校 友事務處主辦的校友日在去年12月13日舉行,以 「Cheer Up」為主題,吸引了逾四千五百人回校支 持,參與的義工及表演人員更達三百多人,是大學歷來最 大型的校友日。 今年適逢前校長高錕教授獲頒諾貝爾物理學獎,大會特 別籌辦一連串祝賀高錕教授的特備節目,包括由訊息工 程學系張國偉教授主講「改變世界的 工程—向高錕教授致敬」,以 及由工程學院舉辦的「光纖通 訊」示範,增進參加者對光纖 科技的認識。會場亦設有展板 及留言板,讓參加者了解高錕 教授對開發光纖通訊科技的貢 獻,並向他送上賀語。不少參 加者更在「Q版光纖之父」照 相區與「高教授」合照。 「2009中大校友日」的節目豐 富,包括以下多項不同形式的 活動: 由校友協助組織或演出的 「綜藝表演繽紛樂」; 多項主題參觀,由專人導賞參 觀法律學院模擬法庭、大學圖書 館的善本書庫、高行健館藏和香港文學館藏、文物館、 中草藥園,以及工程學院的多項科技示範; 開蓬巴士遊校園; 「回到課堂精選講座」—劉遵義校長主講「Lessons from the Financial Crises」,另有關於抑鬱和中醫藥 的講座。 ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ W ith the theme ‘Cheer Up’, the 2009 CUHK Alumni Homecoming, organized by the Alumni Affairs Office, was held on 13 December. Supported by over 300 volunteers and performers, the event attracted over 4,500 participants, making it the largest homecoming of the University ever. Since Prof. Charles K. Kao, former CUHK Vice-Chancellor, was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics recently, the event featured a series of activities in celebration of Professor Kao’s achievements, including a talk by Prof. Cheung Kwok- wai from the Department of Information Engineering, and a demonstration of fibre-optic communication by the Faculty of Engineering to increase participants’ understanding of fibre-optic technology. Display boards were set up at the venue to familiarize participants with Professor Kao’s contributions to the development of fibre-optic telecommunication. They could also leave their congratulations on the message boards. A cartoon caricature of Professor Kao attracted many participants to take photos with it. The 2009 CUHK Alumni Homecoming activities included: • a variety show performed and organized by alumni • guided tours to the moot court of the Faculty of Law, the Rare Book Room of the University Library, the Gao Xingjian Repository and Hong Kong Literature Collection, the Art Museum, the Herbal Garden, and technology demonstrations by the Faculty of Engineering • open-top double decker bus tour • ‘Back-to-Classroom Distinguished Lectures’ featuring ‘Lessons from the Financial Crises’ by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, and lectures on anti-depression and Chinese medicine 華人地區醫護人員紓緩治療研討會 Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population • 兩 岸三地近百名醫學專家12月12日滙聚中大醫學院 深造中心,出席由醫學院與李嘉誠基金會「人間有 情」香港寧養服務計劃合辦的「華人地區醫護人員紓緩治 療研討會」,交流紓緩治療經驗,藉以加深醫護界對紓緩 照顧的認識。 研討會由李嘉誠基金會代表、香港醫院管理局聯網服務總 監張偉麟醫生( 右四 )及醫學院院長霍泰輝教授( 左四 )主 持開幕,並邀得慈濟大學家庭醫學科主任、慈濟醫院心蓮 病房主任王英偉醫師( 左二 )蒞臨作專題演講,介紹輔助 療法於末期病患照顧的運用。 紓緩治療旨在減輕病人的身心痛楚與不適,從而提高其 生活質素。紓緩治療不限於病房內,亦可透過外展隊伍去 提供支援。中大醫學院的紓緩治療研究集中於:預前照 顧計劃、末期病患者的健康護理、兒童癌病患者在化療期 間噁心嘔吐的處理,以及減輕肺癌病人接受電療後的損 傷。自2006年起,更舉辦以晚期關顧為題的學士後證書 課程及文憑課程,至今已培訓了二十五名畢業生;中大亦 計劃在北區籌辦紓緩治療的課程,為癌症及非癌症病人 服務。 O n 12 December, about 100 health care professionals in palliative care from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong attended the second Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population jointly organized by the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK and Li Ka Shing Foundation ‘Heart of Gold’ Hong Kong Hospice Service Programme at the Postgraduate Education Centre of CUHK. The representatives from Li Ka Shing Foundation; Dr. Cheung Wai-lun (4th right), director (Cluster Services), Hospital Authority and Prof. T. F. Fok (4th left), dean of the Faculty of Medicine, officiated at the opening ceremony. Prof. Wang Ying-wei (2nd left), chief, Heart Lotus Hospice, Tzuchi Hospital, Taiwan was invited to deliver a plenary lecture entitled ‘Complementary Therapy in Palliative Care’ at the symposium. Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families through the relief of suffering by a multidisciplinary team of specially trained health care workers, with attention to relieving pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems. Palliative care is not confined to hospital wards, it is also provided by outreach teams. At CUHK, palliative care research covers a few key areas, including advance care planning programme, health promotion for people suffering from life-limiting disease, management of nausea and vomiting in children receiving chemotherapy for cancer, and in symptom relief during radiotherapy for lung cancer. The Postgraduate Diploma course on End of Life Care has produced 25 graduates since its inception in 2006. There are plans for running new programmes to reinforce palliative care service in the North District, covering cancer and non-cancer patients.
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