Newsletter No. 352
No. 352, 4.2.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 國際專家齊集中大 探討監測地物形變技術 International Workshop on Spatial Information Technologies • 太 空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)於1月中旬在 校園舉行國際會議,探討監測大型人工線狀地物 形變的空間信息技術。會議開幕禮由太空所所長林琿教授 主持,黃乃正副校長致歡迎辭,國家遙感中心專家委員會 主席童慶禧院士親臨致賀。 所謂大型人工線狀地物,包括高速鐵路、高速公路、大型 橋樑與水庫堤壩、高壓輸變電線路等,是世界各國投入數 以億計資源的各類建設。然而,由於種種地質和環境問題 導致的結構變形,已成為這些大型建築的嚴重威脅。保護 這些人類的「生命線」,業界需要更多精準的新技術與新 方法,包括衞星遙感與定位技術、干涉合成孔徑雷達、激 光雷達和衞星定位系統,以及其他相關空間信息技術。 太空所舉辦這次為期兩天的會議,就是為了推動相關科 技的發展。來自中、美、德、法、意、日和新加坡等國家的 專家學者,分別在會上討論了「最新的SAR/InSAR理論與 應用」、「基礎建設的沉降測量」和「城市地面沉降精密 測量」等專題,並邀得意大利著名學者Prof. Fabio Rocca( 下圖 )與武漢大學前校長劉經南院士( 右圖 ) 擔任主題演講人。 T he Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) held an International Workshop on Spatial Information Technologies for Monitoring the Deformation of Large-Scale Man-made Linear Features on campus in mid-January. Prof. Lin Hui, director of ISEIS, officiated at the opening ceremony and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, gave a welcoming address. Academician Tong Qingxi, chairman of the Expert Committee of the National Remote Sensing Centre, was the honorary guest. near future. However, due to various geological and environmental issues, structural deformation is a serious threat to such constructions. Maintenance and protection of these ‘lifelines’ of millions of peoples demand new methods and technologies with improved monitoring accuracy and efficiency. Satellite remote sensing and positioning technologies, including INterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Laser Detection and Ranging (LADAR), satellite positioning systems and other related spatial information technologies are now gaining industry’s attention. To promote the new technologies, ISEIS held the two-day workshop, inviting experts and scholars from China, the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, France, etc., to discuss key topics in ‘Recent Advancements in SAR/InSAR Theory and Applications’, ‘Subsidence Measurement at Infrastructure Elements’ and ‘Precise Measurement of Urban Subsidence’. Keynote speeches were given by two leading scientists, Prof. Fabio Rocca (left) of Politecnioc di Milan and Prof. Liu Jingnan (above), former president of Wuhan University. Countries around the world have invested multiple millions of dollars for building various kinds of large- scale man-made linear features, including high-speed railway and highways, large bridges, dams and reservoirs, high-voltage power lines, etc. The high-speed railway network will be rapidly developed in China in the 黃乃正副校長(右)向童慶禧院士致送紀念品 Prof. Henry Wong (right) presents a souvenir to Academician Tong Qingxi 樂步行(第四期) The Campus Walks for Health Again • 樂 步行(第四期)活動於2010年1月22日早上 順利舉行,逾一千名學生及教職員踴躍參 與,其中約百分之七十是學生。眾人從大學港鐵站, 經校友徑及新亞路步行到新亞書院誠明館,沿途欣 賞中大美景,交換健康心得,舒展身心,也宣揚關注 環保的訊息。 T he Walking Campaign (Phase 4) has been organized on the morning of 22 January 2010. Participation was overwhelming with over 1,000 staff and students walking from the MTR University Station to Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, via Alumni Path and New Asia Road. The participants, about 70% of whom students, exchanged views on healthy lifestyle and increased awareness of environmental protection while enjoying the beautiful scenery. 左一至左四:崇基學院院長梁元生教授、醫學院院長霍泰 輝教授、副校長鄭振耀教授、社區醫學榮休講座教授李紹 鴻教授 1st left to 4th left: Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, head, Chung Chi College; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Medicine; Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine
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