Facts and Figures 2001
1999年學士學位畢業生就業情況 Ma j o r Career Fields of 1999 First Degree Holders 1999年學士學位畢業生起薪中位數 Me d i an Starting Salary of 1999 First Degree Holders 行業 月薪(港元 Career Field HK$ per month 會計 Accounting 12,675 行政 / 管理 Administration/Management 10,000 銀行 /財務 Banking/Finance 10,833 計算機工程 Computer Engineering 12,000 保險 Insurance 8,750 市場推廣 Marketing 10,000 大眾傳播 Mass Communication 9,750 社會工作 Social Work 12,595 敎學 Teaching 19,055 貿易 Trading 10,279 註:一九九八年醫科畢業生的平均基本月薪為四萬四千四百六十三元,月薪中 位數為四萬四千三百九十五元;包括所有津貼之平均月薪為五萬一千三百 二 十 九元。 Notes: The average basic salary of medical graduates 1998 was HK$44,463 and the median was HK$44,395. The average monthly salary (including all allowances) was HK$51,329.
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