Newsletter No. 368
No. 368, 4.12.2010 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 共習許可授權談判的技巧 • Bringing Licensing Know-How to the Community 左起:蓋保羅先生、尾形偉幸先生、荻野誠先生、顏文慧女士、行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任陳志輝教授、牧虎彥先生、香港貿易發展 局服務業拓展總監徐耀霖先生、原嶋克巳先生與香港貿易發展局服務業拓展經理潘慧心女士 From left: Mr. Guy L. Proulx, Mr. Hideyuki Ogata, Mr. Makoto Ogino, Ms. Alice Ngan, Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan (director, CUHK EMBA Programme), Mr. Torahiko Maki, Mr. William Chui (TDC), Mr. Katsumi Harashima, and Ms. Stella Poon (TDC) 行 政人員工商管理碩士學位課程與科技授權處於 10月29日合辦許可授權談判模擬研討會,吸引近 一百五十位來自商界的高層管理人員、專家、研究人員,以 及法律和學術界人士參加。 研討會以一場極富教育性的模擬知識產權談判揭開序幕, 由日立國際電氣株式會社知識產權部總經理荻野誠先生、 太陽國際特許事務所業務推進室室長原 嶋 克巳先生、月島 機械株式會社管理本部部長牧虎彥先生和愛科來株式會 社研究開發部主管尾形偉幸先生示範談判。 緊接之後的討論會,由科技授權處處長暨中國許可貿易工 作者協會香港支會主席顏文慧女士主持,參與討論的尚有 宇東科技公司董事長蓋保羅先生(Mr. Guy L. Proulx)。 研討會引起了極大迴響,香港知識產權署張錦輝副署長 評論道:「以內容稱霸,還是陣容稱霸?這次模擬談判可 謂兩者兼備。」尚普有限公司的董事長李沛鏜先生稱讚: 「由現實中的許可授權專業人士現身說法,詮釋具實質內 容的故事,好比邱吉爾在百老匯舞台教授觀眾戰略。」何 善衡眼科及視覺科學講座教授林順潮教授說:「凡事的結 果取決於談判的技巧,當中涉及技能、策略、定位及隨機 應變的本領,模擬談判巧妙地闡釋了上述談判要訣,令聽 眾獲益良多。」 研討會獲中大專利委員會、中國許可貿易工作者協會香港 支會、日本許可貿易工作者協會和香港貿易發展局資助。 O rganized by the EMBA Programme and the Technology Licensing Office, the License Negotiation Simulation Seminar, held on 29 October, attracted close to 150 executives, professionals and researchers from the business sector, the legal profession and academia. The event featured a highly educational simulated negotiation of intellectual property rights between two large Japanese companies, which was demonstrated by Mr. Makoto Ogino, general manager, IPR and Licensing Division of Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc; Mr. Katsumi Harashima, executive director of Business Development, Taiyo, Nakajima and Kato Intellectual Property Law; Mr. Torahiko Maki, member of the Board and Executive Officer, general manager of Administration, Control and Planning Division, Tsukishima Kikai Co., Ltd.; and Mr. Hideyuki Ogata, deputy general manager, Intellectual Property Strategy, Research and Development Division, Arkray Inc. The negotiation simulation was followed by a lively discussion forum moderated by Ms. Alice Ngan, Director of Technology Licensing and chairman of the Licensing Executives Society (LES) China–Hong Kong Sub-Chapter. Mr. Guy L. Proulx, managing director, Transpacific IP Limited, also joined the discussion forum. The seminar received raving response from the audience. Mr. Peter Cheung, deputy director, HKSAR Intellectual Property Department commented: ‘Content is king or 知識轉移惠及大眾 • Knowledge Transfer Rewards Wider Public 在 11月10日的「知識轉移之廣闊領域—非科技項目 的影響與創新」研討會中,英國利茲大學文學院 知識轉移總監克里斯托弗.梅岡教授(Prof. Christopher Megone, 圖上 )指出:「卓越的研究如能具備社會效益, 而最終成果可應用於業界或社群,科研人員和受眾都會得 益。」 研討會由知識轉移辦公室主辦,出席的四十多位師生,來 自不同院系,在梅岡教授引發下熱烈討論,思考如何使研 究成果惠及更多受眾,從而提升業界的競爭力,啓發大 眾,提供資訊給政府,使社區獲得更佳的支援。梅岡教授 透過利茲大學的真實案例,展示知識轉移如何超越技術轉 移層面,在更廣泛的領域,甚至在一般認為較難有所發揮 的文化藝術與人文學科範疇,開展更多項目。 梅岡教授強調,通過建立學術界和業界或社區的夥伴關 係,可以加強知識轉移的社會效益與影響力。 ‘R esearch excellence, if embedded with social impact and extended to the direct benefits of the industry or community, can be very rewarding to both the researcher and the beneficiaries,’ Prof. Christopher Megone (top of photo), knowledge transfer director of the cast is king? For the License Negotiation Simulation, I think it is both.’ Mr. Paul Lee, director of Ximplar, highly recommended the seminar, ‘Engaging story with substantial content interpreted by real-world licensing executives. It was like Winston Churchill going on Broadway to educate the audience on war strategies!’ Prof. Dennis S.C. Lam, S.H. Ho Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, said, ‘You get not what you deserve but what you negotiated for! Negotiation involves skill, strategy, positioning, and most importantly dynamic response to unexpected new upcoming. The simulation has demonstrated beautifully many of the key issues mentioned above. I have learnt a lot from it.’ The event was sponsored by the CUHK Patent Committee, LES China-Hong Kong, LES Japan and the Trade Development Council (TDC). Arts Faculty, University of Leeds, said at the ‘CUHK Knowledge Transfer (KT) Seminar—KT on a Wide Horizon: Impact and Innovation in Non-technology Based Projects’ held by the Knowledge Transfer Unit on 10 November. Enthusiastic exchanges of ideas were seen among 40-plus seminar participants from various faculties as Professor Megone invited them to reflect on how we could make our research reach a wider public, and create impact which leads to competitive companies, enlightened public, informed government, and supported communities. In these cases, KT does go beyond the success stories of technology transfer. It opens up abundant possibilities, including those in the arts and humanities, which are seen by many as a more challenging area to develop KT projects. This was illustrated by Professor Megone through real case studies. Professor Megone also emphasized the importance of enhancing KT impact by building partnership between the academia and industry or community.
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