Newsletter No. 368
4 No. 368, 4.12.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 農業生物技術年度交流與合作研討會 • Academic Conference on Agrobiotechnology 為 促進與中國農業大學(農大)農業生物技術國家 重點實驗室的夥伴交流,中大及農大兩所國家 重點實驗室交替舉辦年度研討會。今年於11月11及12日在 深圳舉辦第三屆年度研討會。農大國家重點實驗室主任 李寧院士( 前排左三 )與該校王濤副校長( 前排右三 )率領 三十多位教授參加,香港方面則由國家重點實驗室主任 辛世文教授( 前排右四 )帶領十多位教授和四十多位研究 人員及研究生出席。 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 癌症的個人化藥物治療 • Personalized Medicine in Cancer Therapy 近 三百位來自世界各地的專家齊集威爾斯親王醫院 醫學院深造中心,參加11月13及14日舉行的第五屆 中美會議暨香港癌症研究所第十五屆年會。會議由中大華 南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室及美國德薩斯大學安德遜癌症 中心全球學術項目合辦。 開幕儀式由中大常務副校長華雲生教授( 前排左五 )、 安德遜癌症中心全球學術項目副主席奧利弗.博格萊 教授(Prof. Oliver Bogler, 前排左四 )、中大醫學院院長 霍泰輝教授( 前排右四 )及香港癌症研究所總監暨會議主 席陳德章教授( 前排右一 )主持。 香港癌症研究所及包玉剛爵士癌症中心與德薩斯大學安 德遜癌症中心於2008年7月簽訂姊妹機構協議,以促進與 亞洲常見癌症之國際性研究與合作。有見個人化藥物標靶 治療已被臨床應用,今年的會議以「癌症的個人化藥物治 療」為主題,探討個人化藥物於腦癌、大腸癌、肺癌及肝癌 等四種高發癌症治療的應用。 S ome 300 experts from around the world assembled in the Postgraduate Education Centre of the Faculty of Medicine at the Prince of Wales Hospital on 13 and 14 November for the 5th Sino-US Conference held in conjunction with the 15th Annual Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute. The event was co- organized by the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (CUHK) and the Global Academic Programs at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, CUHK Provost (5th left, front row); Prof. Oliver Bogler (4th left, front row), vice-president of the Global Academic Programs, MDACC; Prof. Fok Tai-fai (4th right, front row), Dean of Medicine, CUHK; and Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan (1st right, front row), chairperson of the conference and director of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, CUHK. In July 2008, the Hong Kong Cancer Institute and the Sir Y.K. Pao Centre for Cancer signed a sister institute agreement with the MDACC to foster international collaborations on cancers highly relevant to Asian populations. With personalized medicine using tailor- made targeted therapy has become a clinical reality, the theme of this year’s conference was ‘Personalized Medicine in Cancer Therapy’ focusing on the application of personalized therapy in four major cancer sites, i.e., brain, colorectal, lung and liver. T o facilitate deep collaboration between the State Key Laboratories (SKLs) of Agrobiotechnology of China Agricultural University (CAU) and CUHK, annual conferences were hosted alternatively by two SKLs. The third annual conference this year was held in Shenzhen on 11 and 12 November. A delegation of 32 professors and scientists from CAU led by the SKL director Prof. Li Ning (3rd left, front row) and their Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Wang Tao (3rd right, front row) and the CUHK delegation of 12 professors, and 42 researchers and postgraduate students led by SKL director Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun (4th right, front row) attended the meeting. The directors of both SKLs and 10 other members reported the latest progress, achievements and important breakthroughs, including two cover stories published in two consecutive issues of Nature Genetics by the teams of Prof. Lai Jinsheng (4th right, back row) of CAU and Prof. Lam Hon-ming (2nd left, front row) of CUHK. The articles highlighted their important findings on maize and soybean genomics studies. Through hours of in-depth discussion, the two SKLs also formulated development plans to promote cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong partners on scientific advancement, so as to improve the well-being of tens of millions in the Chinese population. 會上兩所實驗室的主任與十位教授分別匯報了近期的科研 進展、成就和重點突破,包括農大賴錦盛教授( 後排右四 ) 與中大林漢明教授( 前排左二 )的團隊分別於《自然-遺 傳學》雜誌連續兩期以封面故事方式發表有關玉米與大 豆基因組研究的重要發現。 經深入討論,兩所國家重點實驗室制定了發展規劃,積極 促進內地和香港的科技合作,以為人民謀求更大福祉。
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