我的主要研究领域为宋明理学。 硕士论文题目是戴震对宋明理学伦理学的批判,博士论文主题是朱熹的心性工夫论。博士毕业后,我曾两度到德国柏林自由大学的Dahlem人文研究中心从事两个博士后研究项目。2018年4月至2019年2月我在加州大学伯克利分校从事学术访问。我曾长期任教于武汉大学哲学学院,所教授的课程包括“中国哲学史(宋元明清)”、“四书导读”、“老庄导读”、“先秦中国哲学专题”等。我近些年就诚意与自欺、宋代万物一体观等论题在中英文期刊中发表过几篇论文。
- 朱熹
- 王阳明
- 戴震
- 宋明理学
- 中国哲学史
- 比较伦理学
- “An Alternative Way of Confucian Sincerity: Wang Yangming’s Unity of Knowing and Doing as a Response to Zhu Xi’s Puzzle of Self-deception,” Philosophy East and West 2018, 68(4).
- “Love and the Paradoxes of Unity: Zhu Xi’s Debate with Followers of Cheng Hao over ‘Perceptual Oneness,’ Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2017, 12(3).
- “Thinking through the Heart of a Child: Luo Jinxi on Body and Rituals,” Ming Qing Studies, 2016.
- “Two Kinds of Oneness: Cheng Hao’s Letter on Calming Nature in Contrast with Zhang Zai’s Monism,” Philosophy East and West, 2015 October, 65(4).
- “Self-deception, Sincerity (cheng) and Zhu Xi’s Last Word,”International Philosophical Quarterly, 2015 September.
- “Dai Zhen’s Criticism and Misunderstanding of Zhu Xi’s Moral Theory,” Dao: a Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 2015 September.
- <朱子晚年诚意思想考论>(Later Zhu Xi’s View of Sincerity), 《中国哲学与文化》(Chinese Philosophy and Culture),2017年, 第14 辑.
- <老子的“慈故能勇”与孔子的“仁者必有勇”──德性伦理学上儒道二家的会通与差异> (Laozi and Confucius on Courage: a Comparative Study on their Models of the Relationship of Virtues) 《道家文化研究》 (Daoist Culture Studies), 2018年, 第31 辑.
- <从王阳明的戒慎恐惧工夫看良知学的形成>(Wang Yangming’s View of Cautiousness and its Relation to the Genesis of the “Learning of Liangzhi” 《人文论丛》 (Humanities) 2017年第2期.
- <荀子论欲望与人的自我转化──性、情与欲的道德心理学诠释> (Xunzi on Desire and Self-transformation: a moral psychology of xing, qing and yu) 《哲学评论》(Wuhan University Philosophical Review), 2014 April, (12).
- <告子思想渊源考──兼论“求则得之”作为孟子伦理学的思想起点> (the Source of Gaozi’s Thought and the Starting-point of Mencius’s Ethics),《武汉大学学报》(Journal of Wuhan University), 2013:66(324).
- <《庄子》中的化与死> (Zhuangzi on Transformation and Death),《中国哲学与文化》(Chinese Philosophy and Culture), Volume 9.