Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994

of assistance to them, t o ensure that only quality programmes are supported and that University resources are deployed cost-effectively in the process. In more recent years, international organizations such as the Wo r ld Bank and the United Nations have also commissione d the EMSD to organize tailored-made training courses for business executives from mainland China. EMSD Renamed School of Continuing Studies By 1993, in terms of the types and number of courses offered as well as student enrolment, EMSD has become one of the three leading institutions of continuing education in Hong Kong (the two other institutions being the School of Professional and Continuing Education at the University of Hong Kong, and the School of Continuing Education at the Hong Kong Baptist College). As over the years the nature of courses offered by the EMSD has gradually changed, its relationship w i th other academic departments w i t h in the University has grown much closer, and its linkage w i th the international community has strengthened considerably, the University Senate decided that the EMS D be officially renamed the School of Continuing Studies in January 1994 to better reflect its nature and mission. The new name w i l l certainly promote its image and facilitate its future development. Structure of the School of Continuing Studies(SCS) In academic planning and development, SCS is supervised directly by the Senate Committee on Extramural Studies, of which the vice- chancellor serves as chairman. A n Advisory Board of Extramural Studies comprising renowned personalities in the industrial and business sector as well as senior University administrators gives advice on development directions. General administration and course organization are handled by SCS's own staff members. There are three groups looking afte r programmes of three different disciplines: the Humanities and Day Programmes Group, th e Sciences and Regional Programmes Group, and the Management and Self-learning Programmes Group. To further promote continuing education and research on human resources development, a Research Unit was established in March 1994 to encourage collaborative research w i th teaching staff of the University, and to serve SCS i n the areas of job analysis, financial analysis, and the development of management information systems , central filing systems and course evaluation systems. It also provides back-up support for academic seminars and functions coorganized w i t h other teaching departments. There is also a task force on China Trainin g Projects responsible for the training of administrative personnel and business executives of mainland China in certain commissione d projects, and an inter-group Committee on Advanced Learning which is responsible for vetting programme proposals and coordinating matters relating to diploma and certificate courses and overseas joint projects. School of Continuing Studies 22