PhD | PhD | PhD | MPhil | ||
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) (3 years) | CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship (3 years) | PhD Postgraduate Studentship (3 years) | MPhil Postgraduate Studentship (2 years) | ||
Monthly Stipend | HK$26,600 | HK$18,025 | |||
Tuition Waiver | All students | Local students only | |||
Conference and Research Related Travel Allowance | i) HK$13,300 per year provided by the UGC ii) HK$15,000 in total provided by the Graduate School iii) HK$12,000 in total provided by the Department | i) HK$15,000 in total provided by the Graduate School ii) HK$12,000 in total provided by the Department | i) HK$10,000 in total provided by the Graduate School ii) HK$8,000 in total provided by the Department | ||
Award | 1st year: HK$40,000 2nd & 3rd year: HK20,000 per year | / | / | ||
Accommodation | i) Guaranteed on-campus accommodation ii) Waiving of on-campus hostel fee for the first year | / | / | / | |
Admission Requirement | 1. Have a MPhil degree in Philosophy or a related field from a recognized university
| 1. Have a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy or a related field from a recognized university
| |||
Document Required | 1. Copies of certificates of Academic/ Professional qualifications For details: please visit Graduate School webpage | ||||
Application Deadline | 1/12/2020 | / | 31/1/2021 | ||
Apply Here | Step 1
| All PhD candidates who are nominated to HKPFS by CUHK but not being selected for HKPFS, then will be offered this Scholarship | Apply Here |
報名所需文件 : | 正/副本 | 注意事項及寄送方法 : | |
大學畢業證書 (本科及碩士) | 副本 | 上傳到網上申請系統 (文件類別:Certificates) | |
大學發出之學業成績單 (本科及碩士) | 正本及副本 | 上傳有學校蓋章的副本到網上申請系統 (文件類別:Transcripts)。蓋章單位必須是大學發出成績單的行政單位,個別學系蓋章並不接受。 入學前,正本必需由相關機構發出,直接郵寄至:香港新界沙田香港中文大學馮景禧樓四樓436室,方可入學。 | |
英語能力證明 | 正本及副本 | 上傳一份副本到網上申請系統(文件類別:English Test Report) 以供參考。 入學前,正本必需由相關機構發出,直接郵寄至:香港新界沙田香港中文大學馮景禧樓四樓436室,方可入學。 | |
身份證 或 身份證明文件 | 副本 | 請上傳到網上申請系統 (文件類別:HKID Card/Passport)。 | |
兩位諮詢人的機密推薦書 | 副本 | 於系統內填寫推薦人資料,系統於下一個工作天自動發出邀請電郵予推薦人,推薦人可透過系統遞交推薦信,也可以電郵至divphil@cuhk.edu.hk 直接遞交。 | |
哲學論文一篇 | 副本 | 上傳到網上申請系統 (任何文件類別) 或電郵至:divphil@cuhk.edu.hk 博士 : 10-15 頁英文 / 10,000 – 15,000 字中文 碩士 : 8-12 頁英文 / 6,000 – 10,000 字中文 | |
研究計劃書或自述 | 副本 | 上傳到網上申請系統 (任何文件類別) 或電郵至:divphil@cuhk.edu.hk 博士 : 提交一篇約 4 頁的研究計劃書 (thesis proposal) 碩士 : 提交一篇 2,000 字的自述 (self-statement),簡要說明學術興趣及預計研究的課題。 | |
教育部學歷證書電子註冊備案表 | 副本 | 如申請人在內地取得學位,請於CHESICC (學信網) 教育部學歷證書電子註冊備案表。 上傳到網上申請系統 (任何文件類別) 或電郵至:divphil@cuhk.edu.hk |