

理學士、哲學碩士 (中文大學)、博士 (英國蘇塞克斯大學)
Rm 419







  1. 維根斯坦
  2. 語言哲學
  3. 邏輯哲學
  4. 知識論
  5. 科學哲學


  1. 《哲海探驪:維特根斯坦《邏輯哲學論》研究》,上海:東方出版中心,2020年12月。[Pathfinder in Philosophy: A Study of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Shanghai: Orient Publishing Center, (December 2020).]
  2. “A Zhuangzian Critique of John Hick’s Theodicy.” Sophia. Netherlands: Springer 59 (September 2020): 594-62.
  3. “The metaphysics and unnamability of the dao in the Daodejing and Wittgenstein.” Philosophy East and West. Hawai’i: University of Hawai’i Press. 67/2 (April 2017): 352-79.
  4. “Ineffability and Nonsense in the Tractatus.” In Hans-Johann Glock and John Hyman. eds. A Companion to Wittgenstein. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley. (2017): 195-208.
  5. “Logical Atomism.” In Hans-Johann Glock and John Hyman. eds. A Companion to Wittgenstein. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley. (2017): 127-40.
  6. “Three Sosaian Responses and a Wittgensteinian Response to the dream argument in the Zhuangzi.” Philosophia. The Netherlands: Springer. 44/3 (Sept. 2016): 721-43.
  7. 〈字詞意義都是字詞使用嗎?—-維特根斯坦《哲學硏究》探微〉,載《武漢大學學學報》,69/3 (2016年5月):69-77。
  8. “Can Extended Cognition Help Robust Virtue Epistemology?” In Chienkuo Mi, Michael Slote and Ernest Sosa. eds. Moral and Intellectual Virtues. NY: Routledge (2016): 184-95.
  9. “Meaning, Use and Ostensive Definition in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations.” Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell). 37/4 (Oct. 2014): 350-62.
  10. “On Two Versions of ‘the Surprise Examination Paradox’.” Philosophia. The Netherlands: Springer). 41/1 (Mar. 2013): 159-70.
  11. 〈孟學仁愛之本質〉,載《耶儒對談—問題在哪裡?》,羅秉祥、謝文郁主編,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社 (2010年12月):113-31。
  12. “Wittgenstein.” In Key Terms in Logic. Federica Russo and Jon Williamson. eds. London: Continuum (2010): 122-3.
  13. “The Tractatus.” In Key Terms in Logic. Federica Russo and Jon Williamson. eds. London: Continuum (2010): 133-4.
  14. 〈論《邏輯哲學論》中之算符N〉,載《哲學研究》,北京:中國社會科學院哲學所 (2009年12月): 171-82。
  15. 〈儒家的「天人合一」進路〉,載《當代儒學與精神性》,香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系編,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社 (2009年1月): 71-94。
  16. “The Disenchantment of Nonsense: Understanding Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blackwell. 31/3 (July 2008): 197-226.
  17. “The Unity of Language and Logic in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blackwell. 29/1 (Jan. 2006): 22-50.
  18. “Variable Names and Constant Names in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blackwell. 28/1 (Jan. 2005): 14-42.
  19. “The Unification of Dao and Ren in the Analects.” The Journal of Chinese Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell. 31/3 (Sept. 2004): 313-27.
  20. “Showing, Analysis and the Truth-Functionality of Logical Necessity in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” Synthese. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 139/1 (March 2004): 81-105.
  21. “The Way of the Xunzi.” The Journal of Chinese Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell. 28/3 (Sept. 2001): 301-320.
  22. “The Tractarian Operation N and Expressive Completeness.” Synthese. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 123/2 (May 2000): 241-255.
  23. “The Proofs of the Grundgedanke in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” Synthese. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 120/3 (Sept. 1999): 395-410.
  24. 〈《孟子》的仁觀及其困難〉,載《人文中國學報》,第六期,香港:香港浸會大學 (1999年4月): 115-129。
  25. 〈語言與世界:維根斯坦的「世界」與莊學的「道」〉,載《邏輯思想與語言哲學》,葉錦明編,臺灣:學生書局 (1997年12月): 223-241。
  26. 〈《禮記.禮運》與儒家〉,載《鵝湖學誌》,第十九期,臺灣:東方人文學術研究基金會 (1997年12月): 117-158。