Bulletin Winter 1988
Conference Series Conference on Analytic Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science The Conference on Analytic Philosophy and the Philosophy o f Science organized by the Department o f Philosophy took place at the University on 24th, 25th, 27th, and 28th, October, 1988. The conference was organized to strengthen academic exchange be tween Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan in the areas o f analytic philosophy and the philosophy o f science, and to promote research in these topics in Hong Kong. Some th irty academics specializing in logic, lan guage analysis, and the philosophy o f science from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong shared their ideas and experience during the four-day conference. Professor Hong Qian o f the Philosophy Depart ment, Peking University, and a member o f the former Vienna Circle, delivered a keynote speech on ‘Some Problems Concerning Logical Empiricism' in the opening session. Among the scholars from Mainland China were Professor Qiu Renzong, director o f the Institute o f Philosophy, Chinese Academy o f Social Sciences, and Professor Jiang Tianji , Philosophy Department, Wuhan University. Professor Fang Wan- chuan o f the Academia Sinica from Taiwan presented a paper on Translation, Interpretation and Incom mensurability', and Professor Lin Ching-hong, Depart ment o f Philosophy, National Taiwan University, spoke on Topper's Basic Statements'. Professor Liu Shu-hsien o f the Department o f Philosophy o f the University addressed the conference in the closing session on ‘The Reconstruction o f the Idea o f Heaven and Man in Union as to Envisage a New Relation between Man and Nature'. This was followed by a discussion session on all the papers presented and on related issues, chaired by Dr. Lee Tien-ming o f the Department o f Philosophy. Laser Seminar and workshop The Seminar and Workshop on CO2 Laser in Gynae cological and ENT Surgery, jo in tly organized by the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Department o f Surgery, took place in Hong Kong from 5th to 7th November. Laser therapy has played an increasingly impor tant role in many disciplines o f medicine, especially in gynaecological and ENT surgery. It is extremely precise, less painful, and healing is rapid. It shortens the necessary time for hospitalization, or even allows patients to be treated as out-patients. Accuracy and precision is extremely important when operating w ithin the airway and CO 2 laser is well suited for this purpose. The seminar and work shop were intended to promote the use o f this modern surgical tool in a safe and appropriate fashion. About 100 delegates comprising world author ities and local experts in the field o f laser surgery participated in the event. The opening ceremony o f the seminar and workshop was held at the Sheraton Hotel. Dr. Harry Fang, representing The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, formally presented the CO2Laser to the Prince o f Wales Hospital. This was followed by an opening address by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charles K. Kao. Colloquium on the Application of Law on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits A 'Colloquium on the Application o f Law on Both Sides o f the Taiwan Straits: Theory and Practice' took place from 17th to 18th November, 1988 at the Regal Riverside Hotel in Shatin. This Colloquium brought together lawyers and legal scholars from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as overseas Chinese legal experts to dis cuss legal problems involving both sides o f the Taiwan Straits. Participants presented papers and discussed 13
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