Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 8 May–Jun 1969
Programme Schedule 17th June "Management in a Global Context: An International Comparison" Prof. Franklin E. Folts "Government and Business in Regional Economic Development" Dr. Uathavikul Phaichitr "Interaction between Government and Business in Hong Kong" Mr. A.F. Maddocks "Government and Business" (Panel Discussion) 18th June "Organizational Behaviour" Prof. Franklin E. Folts "Management of New Enterprise" (Case Study) Dr. Lawrence E. Mckibbin "Financial Aspects of Decision Making" Dr. Randall B. Haydon "Working-Capital Management" Dr. Randall B. Haydon 19th June "Management Science in Marketing" Prof. William F. O'Dell 20th June "Business Simulation" Prof. H. Peter Holzer and Prof. David H. L i 21st June "Management and Information Systems" Prof. David H. L i Summary A l l lecturers Closing Address Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung Observers from The Chinese University Dr. Lin S. Chiao Senior Lecturer, New Asia College Dr. Philip Fu Lecturer, Chung Chi College Mr. Cecil C. L uk Lecturer, United College Dr. Sutu Hsin Associate Director Lingnan Institute of Business Administration Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and President of the Asian Productivity Organization, ended the five-day Programme wit h the award of certificates and a closing speech. Dr. Chung pointed out that with the fast rising cost of manpower in Hong Kong, there would be increasing and urgent need for scientific management. He also pointed out that managers were not naturally bom but could be professionally trained and that efficiency and effectiveness in management could be substantially improved by applying knowledge of management science. The proceedings of the entire Programme will be published in the near future. NEW SCHEME OF STUDENT FINANCE The Government of Hong Kong approved a new scheme of student finance in May 1969, under which public funds will be available for outright grants and interest-free loans to local needy students so that no student who is offered an undergraduate place in this University should be unable to accept it because of lack of means. The allocation of funds will be based solely on financial need. Approximately HK$5.5 m. will be available for this scheme in the academic year 1969-70 for students of the University of Hong Kong and this University. These funds will be administered by a Joint Universities' Committee consisting of three staff members and three students from each university, a representative o f the Director of Education and the Secretary of the University Grants Committee. The six representatives of this University are: The Pro-Vice-Chancellor The Registrar Prof. Bay-sung Hsu (Senate representative) Mr . Koo Yee-yin (United student) Mr. Lo Tit-wah (New Asia student) Mr. Wong Hin-wah (Chung Chi student) 4
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