Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994

funded by the US Env i r onment Protection Agency. His major duty was to integrate GIS and water quality modelling systems. In 1992, Dr. L in was elected first president o f the Association o f Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Systems ( Ab r o a d )— CPGIS, an electronic mail network which serves as a bridge between Chinese GIS professionals and thei r colleagues outside China. He is currently director o f the CPGIS Hong Kong Information Exchange Station. Dr. L i n is also a member o f the board o f directors o f the Chinese Association o f GIS. Last year, he was invited to serve as a memb er o f the A c a d em ic Committee o f the Jiangxi Provincial Centre for Remote Sensing and Information System at the Jiangxi Academy of Sciences, China. He is also visiting professor of the School of Resource and Env i r onmen t al Science s at Be i j i ng No rmal University. Dr. L i n is editor-in-chief of the book The Development and Potential of GIS, published by Science Press in Beijing in 1993. I n his leisure time, Dr. L i n enjoys listening to music, travelling, reading history, and playing volleyball. Dr. L i n Hu i is married, w i th a seven-year- old son. Dr. Hon-ki Tsang Lecturer, Department of Electronic Engineering Dr. Hon - ki Tsang read engineering at Cambridge and completed his doctoral studies in o p t o e l e c t r o n i cs i n 1990. He then went to New Jersey, USA, to wo rk at Bell Communications Resea r ch Inc. ( Be l l c o r e ) as a consultant o n a project on optical waveguide modulators. After the successful completion o f the project in 1991, Dr. Tsang obtained a two- year postdoctoral fellowship to wo rk in the School of Physics at the University o f Bath. He was nominated in the same year as one o f the most promising young scientists in the U K and was invited to speak at the Rank Prize Fund Symposium. A t Bath, Dr. Tsang's research effort was focused on photon absorption and ultrafast all- optical switching. There he wo r ked in close collaboration w i th researchers at St. Andrews University and Glasgow University in the UK , and w i th researchers from Bellcore. They were amongst the first in the wo r ld to demonstrate the possibility o f using semiconductor optical waveguides fo r switches wh i ch could operate in one ten-millionth millionth o f a second (0.1 picosecond). Dr . Tsang also participated in a NATO-funded project at Bellcore on tuneable op t i c al f i l t e r s be f o re j o i n i n g C U H K i n September 1993. He has published some 20 papers, and his main research interests include semiconductor optical waveguide modulators, nonlinear switching in semiconductor optical waveguides, optica l waveguide filters and picosecond pulse generation in diode lasers. Dr. Tsang is also a k een p l a y er o f international chess. Dr. Xiaodong Yue Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology B om in Beijing in 1959, Dr. Xiaodong Yue was brought up in Huhehot, Inner Mongolia. He went to Beijing Second Institute o f Foreign Languages for his college education, and furthered his studies at Canberra College o f Advanced Education in Australia. He graduated in Ma r ch 1983 w i th a D i p l oma in Teaching English as a Second Language, and then returned Profiles 32