YAO, Zhihua


B.Phil, M.Phil (Peking); MTS (Weston); Ph.D (Boston)
Rm 430

Brief Biography

Research Interests

  • Buddhist Philosophy
  • Indian Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Phenomenology
  • Philosophy of Mind

Selected Publications


  1. Brahman and Dao: Comparative Studies of Indian and Chinese Philosophy and Religion. Co-edited with Ithamar Theodor. Lexington Books, 2014, 2015 (paperback).
  2. The Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition. London and New York: Routledge, 2005, 2009 (paperback).
  3. 《異部宗輪論(釋譯)》Taiwan: Foguang Press, 1996.

Articles and Book Chapters

  1. “Daoism and Buddhism”. In Xiaogan Liu (ed.) Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy (Springer 2015), 513-526.
  2. “Do Meditative Objects Exist?” In Dhammajoti (ed.) Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings & modern applications (Centre of Buddhist Studies, the University of Hong Kong 2015), 211-220.
  3. “One, Water, and Cosmogony: Reflections on the Ṛgveda X.129 and the Taiyi sheng shui”. In Ithamar Theodor and Zhihua Yao (eds.) Brahman and Dao: Comparative Studies of Indian and Chinese Philosophy and Religion (Lexington Books 2014), 3-18.
  4. “The Cognition of Nonexistent Objects: Five Yogācāra Arguments”. In Jeeloo Liu and Douglas Berger (eds.) Nothingness in Asian Philosophy (Routledge 2014), 133-147.
  5. “Yogācāra Critiques of the Two Truths”. In Chen-kuo Lin and Michael Radich (eds.) A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism (Hamburg University Press 2014), 313-335.
  6. 〈無:從《存有與時間》到《哲學文獻》〉.《現象學與人文科學》[Phenomenology and the Human Sciences] 5 (2014): 263-277.
  7. “‘I Have Lost Me’: Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Dream”. Journal of Chinese Philosophy3-4 (2013): 511-526.
  8. 〈呂澂柳詒徴《湯用彤〈漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教史〉審查書》(整理稿)〉. 《漢語佛學評論》 3 (2013): 5-10.
  9. “Sources for the Yogācāra Critiques of the Two Truths”. In Dasho Karma Ura and Dendup Chophel (eds) Buddhism Without Borders(Bhutan, Thimphu: Centre for Bhutan Studies 2012), 243-256.
  10. 〈從柏林聯邦檔案館藏太虛的一封信談起〉. 馬建釗、印順、李大華編《宗教的現代社會角色》(北京:人民出版社2012), 119–132頁.
  11. “Noncognition and the Third Pramāṇa”. In Helmut Krasser, Horst Lasic, Eli Franco, and Birgit Kellner (eds.) Religion and Logic in Buddhist Philosophical Analysis (Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2011), 477–490.
  12. “‘Sautrāntika-Madhyamaka’ as Seen in the grub mtha’ Texts from Dunhuang”. Journal of Buddhist Studies 8 (2011): 81–90.
  13. “‘Suddenly Deluded Thoughts Arise’: Karmic Appearance in Huayan Buddhism”. Journal of Chinese Philosophy2 (2010): 198–214.
  14. “Typology of Nothing: Heidegger, Daoism and Buddhism”. Comparative Philosophy1 (2010): 78–89.
  15. “On Memory and Self”. In Maurits G. T. Kwee (ed.) New Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Relational Buddhism for Collaborative Practitioners (Chagrin Falls, OH: Taos Institute Publications 2010), 233–245.
  16. “Empty Subject Terms in Buddhist Logic: Dignāga and His Chinese Commentators”. Journal of Indian Philosophy 37 (2009): 383–398.
  17. “A Diatessaronic Reading in the Chinese Nestorian Texts”. In D. W. Winkler and Li Tang (eds.) Hidden Treasures and Intercultural Encounters: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia (Wien and Berlin: LIT Verlag 2009), 153–165.
  18. “Tibetan Learning in the Contemporary Chinese Yogācāra School”. In M. Kapstein (ed.) Buddhism between Tibet and China (Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications 2009), 181–202.
  19. 〈佛教邏輯中的「空詞項」問題〉《修遠之路 : 香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集 同寅卷》劉國英、張燦輝編(Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press 2009), 359-375.
  20. “The Silence of the Buddha”. In K. L. Dhammajoti (ed.) Buddhist and Pali Studies (Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong 2009), 411–416.
  21. “Some Mahāsāṃghika Arguments for the Cognition of Nonexistent Objects”. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research3 (2008): 79–96.
  22. “On Memory and Personal Identity”. Journal of Buddhist Studies 6 (2008): 219–234.
  23. 〈「有性」與「是性」: 從漢譯梵文典籍的經驗看Sein一詞的翻譯〉.《現象學與當代哲學》[Journal of Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy] 2 (2008): 113-130.
  24. 〈敦煌所出藏文宗義書所見之“經中觀”〉.《華學》[Sinology] 9-10 (2008): 1484-1489.
  25. “Four-Dimensional Time in Dzogchen and Heidegger”. Philosophy East and West4 (2007): 512–532.
  26. 〈非認知與第三量〉.《國立政治大學哲學學報》[NCCU Philosophical Journal] 17 (2007): 89-114.
  27. “Dharmakīrti and Husserl on Negative Judgments”. In Cheung Chan-fai and Yu Chung-chi (eds.) Phenomenology 2005, I: Selected Essays from Asia (Bucharest: Zeta Books 2007), 731–746.
  28. 〈莊子〈蝴蝶夢〉的深層分析〉.《儒釋道之哲學對話》[Philosophical Dialogue Between Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism] 劉笑敢、川田洋一編 (Hong Kong: Commercial Press 2007), 289-302.
  29. 〈莊子〈蝴蝶の夢〉の深層分析〉(菅野博史譯).《東洋學術研究》[Tōyō gakujutsu kenkyū] 46-2 (2007): 126-144.
  30. 〈論陳那的自證說〉.《現象學與人文科學》[Phenomenology and the Human Sciences] 3 (2006): 51-83.
  31. “A Note on Dignāga and Asvabhāva.” Journal of Buddhist Studies 4 (2006): 251-258.
  32. 〈海德格爾與大圓滿中的四維時間〉.《現代哲學》[Modern Philosophy] 1 (2006): 78-89.
  33. 〈陳那與四種現量〉(余振邦譯).《復旦哲學評論》[Fudan Philosophical Review] 3 (2006): 56-77.
  34. 〈再論海德格爾的Ereignis:以《哲學文獻》為中心〉.《德意志思想評論》[German Thought Review] 2 (2005): 58-72.
  35. “Reflexive Awareness: A Theravāda-Andhaka Debate.” Journal of Buddhist Studies 3 (2005): 152-168.
  36. “Dignāga and Four Types of Perception.” Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (2004): 57-79.
  37. 〈《太一生水》與太乙九宮占〉.《古墓新知》[Old Tomb, New Knowledge], edited by Pang Pu (Taipei: Taiwan Guji Publications, 2002), 47-67.
  38. “In the Power of the Spirit.” Tripod XVI, No. 91 (1996): 28-38.
  39. 〈補特伽羅和阿特曼的譯名問題〉.《諦觀》[Satyābhisamaya Quarterly] 82 (1995): 47-64.
  40. 〈愛德蒙徳胡塞爾〉.《現代世界十大思想家》[Ten Great Thinkers in Modern World], edited by Yi Jiexiong (Nanjing: Jiangsu Renming Press, 1995), 405-532.
  41. 〈庸與Ereignis〉.《現象學與海德格》[Phenomenology and Heidegger], edited by Xiong Wei (Taipei: Yuanliu Publications, 1994), 319-347.
  42. 〈如如之真與生生之易:論智旭的三教合一思想〉.《東南文化》[Southeastern Culture] 2 (1994): 196-201. Reprinted in 《人大報刊複印資料》[Renda Reprints of Periodical Articles] 10 (1994): 106-111.
  43. 〈佛教哲學中的不可說問題〉.《佛學研究》[Buddhist Studies] 1 (1993): 102-110.
  44. 〈尼采對輪廻的領悟〉.《法音》[Dharmaghoṣa] 12 (1991): 40-45.
  45. 〈康德先驗演繹中的我思與時間〉.《北京大學研究生學報》[Journal of Graduate Studies of Peking University] 3-4 (1991): 37-44. Reprinted in 《人大報刊複印資料》[Renda Reprints of Periodical Articles] 3 (1992): 25-32.