Bulletin Winter 1988
cases on the subjects o f marriage and inheritance, intellectual property, crime and punishment, com mercial arbitration, and lawyers and legal representa tion. Among the prominent participants were Sir T.L. Yang, the Chief Justice o f Hong Kong; Mr. Chen Zhuo, former Chinese vice-minister for justice and vice-chairman o f the A ll China Lawyers Association; Professor Simpson C.P. Liu, convener o f the Mainland Law Research Programme at National Cheng Chi University in Taiwan; and Mr. Zhao Damou, director o f the Chinese International Lawyers Exchange Centre. The Colloquium was organized and presented by the Chinese Law Programme, Centre for Contem porary Asian Studies, w ith the generous support o f Mr. David K.M. Lai, Mr. Li Man Wah and Mr. Ma Siu Lam. Conference on Moral Education A Conference entitled 'The Theory and Practice o f Moral Education', jo in tly organized by the School o f Education o f the University and the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, was held on cam pus from 25th to 28th November, 1988. Over fo rty participants examined the theory and practice o f moral education in various disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, psychology and educa tion theory. About twenty papers were presented, some approaching the issue from a theoretical point o f view, some discussing moral education in primary and secondary schools, and some exploring the issue in the area o f school subjects and curricula. Five dis cussion sessions were held on various specific topics, in which participants exchanged views on the theo retical basis o f moral education, social influence and moral education, the conduct o f moral education through the teaching o f various subjects, extracur ricular activities and moral education, as well as the development o f students' moral character and moral education. Scholars attending the conference came from leading universities, colleges and institutions o f edu cation in mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, including the Beijing Normal University, the Shanghai Teachers University, the South China Normal University, the Shangdong Teachers Univer sity, the Hunan Teachers College, the Shenzhen Teachers College, Academia Sinica o f Taiwan, the Institute o f Education o f the National Chengchi University, the Institute o f East Asia Philosophy in Singapore, and the Institute o f Confucianism. Symposium on Painting of the Ming Dynasty A symposium on the painting o f the Ming Dynasty, organized by the A rt Gallery, was held at the Cho Yiu Conference Hall from 30th November to 2nd December, 1988. Sponsored by the Bei Shan Tang Foundation, the symposium was part o f the programme in cel ebration o f the 25th anniversary o f the University, and was also an academic activity organized to com plement the exhibition 'Paintings o f the Ming Dynasty from the Palace Museum' being shown at the A rt Gallery. Officiated at the opening ceremony, the Vice- Chancellor, Professor Charles K. Kao, pointed out that the importance o f the Ming Dynasty in the his tory o f Chinese painting was that it not only inherited the traditions o f the Song and Yuan periods but also shaped the course o f the Qing Dynasty. ‘It is also a period marked by influential masters and competitive regional schools o f painting, as well as lively debates on the theoretical and intellectual issues in art. To day, w ith such a distinguished gathering o f scholars in the field o f Chinese painting, I am confident that the symposium w ill be a great success, gaining new insights into the complex developments o f art in a major dynastic period and exchanging ideas and research results among scholars from four corners o f the world.' Following the Vice-Chancellor's address was a key-note speech presented by Professor Jao Tsung-i on ‘The Inter-relationship between Painting and Calligraphy as seen in Ming Paintings.' Attending the symposium were scholars in re lated fields from Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States, including Pro fessor Li Chu-tsing o f the University o f Kansas, Mr. Ho Wai-kam o f the Nelson-Atkins Museum o f A rt in the United States, Professor Tseng Yuho o f the University o f Hawaii, Dr. Joan Stanley-Baker o f the University o f Melbourne, Professor Kei Suzuki o f the University o f Tokyo, Mr. Minoru Nishigami o f the Kyoto National Museum, and Professor Hironobu Kohara o f Nam University. Participants also included Mr. Yang Xin o f the Palace Museum in Beijing, Mr. Shan Guolin o f the Shanghai Museum, and Dr. Shih Shou-chien o f the Institute o f History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Hong Kong experts in cluded Professor Shih Hsio-yen from the University o f Hong Kong, Dr. Mayching Kao and Mr. Lee Yun- woon o f this University, and Ms. Christina Chu from the Hong Kong Museum o f A rt. 14
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