Small Deeds, Big Difference: CUHK Green Buddies Programme
The Chinese University has pledged in its Campus Master Plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 20% per capita by 2025 (from the campus base figure of 2005). While the University continues to make its buildings and operations more energy efficient and environmentally friendly, support from a green community is crucial for ensuring the success of these measures. We need individuals willing to adopt green practices in their daily lives and to promote them.
In 2011, we started the 'Green Office Programme (GO!)' to promote green practices in the daily operations of its offices. Thanks to the zealous response of CUHK members, over a hundred offices joined the programme. Riding on the encouraging success of GO! and recognizing that individuals are powerful agents of change, the University is launching the 'CU Green Buddies' scheme to further promote a green lifestyle in the University community.
The new programme will reach out to individuals on campus and encourage them to set an example for their friends, relatives and coworkers. Staff and students are encouraged to sign up as a 'Green Buddy' and to pass the invitation on to coworkers and students in their circles. In just about three weeks since its launch, the programme already has 500 Green Buddies.
'Green Buddies' will need to pledge to carry out six green actions in their daily lives, which though seemingly simple, will make a difference when taken together.
Six Actions
'Whenever possible, I will power off electrical appliances/equipment that will remain idle when I leave a room.'
Did you know?
Leaving appliances on standby mode everyday generates at least 105.9kg in carbon emission per year.
‘I will use the stairs to walk up one floor or down two floors whenever I can.’
Did you know?
Even at a slow pace, you burn calories two to three times faster when you are climbing stairs than when walking briskly on level ground.
‘I will try my best to avoid wasting food, such as by requesting less rice at canteens.’
Did you know?
Food wasted by Hong Kong in 2010 can feed 17,520,000 people for a year.
‘I will try my best to avoid using disposable containers, such as by bringing my own water bottle to events, or by supplying my own cup and lunchbox when buying takeaway.’
Did you know?
In Hong Kong, 122 tonnes and 36 tonnes of plastic bottles from the domestic, and the commercial and industrial sectors respectively end up in the landfill every day.
‘I will walk to cover short distances on campus instead of driving or taking the school bus whenever possible.’
Did you know?
You'll save about 270g in carbon emission for each km you don't drive.
‘I will minimize waste generation by practising the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle.’
Did you know?
In 2010 alone, 445 tonnes of newspaper entered Hong Kong’s landfills each day. For each tonne of recycled paper, we save: 18 trees, 7,700 gallons of water, 2.5 cubic meters of landfill space and 1,925 gallons of oil. If all 445 tonnes of newspaper were recycled, we would have saved 8,010 trees, 3 million gallons of water, 855,000 gallons of oil and 1,122 cubic meters of landfill space per day!
Signing Up
To enrol as a ‘CU Green Buddy’, staff and students can simply complete the registration form and pledge to practise the six green actions.