Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001
of ceramics, relatively rich i n M i n g and Q i ng pieces w i t h studio marks, zisha ware f r om Yixing, and Sh i wan ware f r om Guangdong, allows a systematic display that reveals the development of the craft. A l t houg h the acquisitions of Shang and Zh ou bronzes are small i n n umb e r, over a t housand pieces of ancient seals have been amassed. Also on display were the most remarkabl e pieces of Neolithic jade, jade flowers of the M i ng and Qing ems, lacquer ware, ivories, wood , and bamboo sculpture from the A r t Museum holdings. Donations f r om the Friends of the A r t Museum were also pu t on show i n the East-wing Gallery to celebrate their 20th anniversary. MArch Graduating Exhibition Forty students f r om the f i f t h graduating class o f t he ma s t e r o f a r c h i t e c t u r e p r og r amme expressed their views on a diverse range of issues related to Ho ng Ko n g society through an exhibition held at Park Court, Pacific Place, f r om 11th to 13th May 2001. The ma j or issues addressed we r e redevelopment, u r ban design, cu l t u r a l identity, and ideology. The diversity of the topics reflected the heterogeneity of Hon g Kong society. Obituaries • The University records w i t h sadness the passing away o f Prof. Julian A r t h u r John Ha l l Critchley, professor of clinical pharmacology, on 13th July 2001. Prof. Critchley joined the University in May 1989, and had been chairman of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology for many years. He was a foundation fellow of the Ho n g Kong Academy of Medicine. • The University records w i th sadness the passing away of Prof. Gerald H. Choa on 3rd December 2001. Prof. Gerald H. Choa had serve d as pro-vice-chancellor of the University, founding dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and professor of administrative medicine. After his retirement in 1987, Prof. Choa continued to serve as honorary adviser to the vice-chancellor, vice-chairman of the Shaw College Board of Trustees, and member of the University Council. • The University records w i t h sadness the passing away of Prof. Leung Jin-pang, associate professor i n psychology, o n 10th December 2001. Prof. Leung joined the University i n September 1985. H e h a d served as chairman/member of various committees on student affairs and campusenvironmentprotecti Lin Tang at Chung Chi College. • The University records w i t h sadness the passing away of Mrs. Eva B.C. L i Wong, beloved wife of Prof. K.Y. Wong, head of United College, on 4th May 2001. Mrs. Wong was a trustee of United College, a senior college tutor, a member of the college endowment f u n dcommittee, Department of Social Work. Autumn • Winter 2001 CHINES E UNIVERSIT Y BULLETI 64
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