Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991
Chung Chi College Chung Chi College's 37th valedictory service took place on 2nd June in the college chapel. Dr. John Chen, president of Lingnan College, was the guest speaker. Immediately after the service a tree- planting ceremony was held by the graduates to express their thanks to the college. A tea reception for guests and parents was then organized at the College Staff Club and Chapel Lounge. New Asia College The 40th farewell assembly in honour of the 1990-91 graduates of New Asia College was held on 9th June. Prof. Chia-wei Woo, vice-chancellor of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, was invited to address the graduates, and Mr. Lee Kam-chung, chairman of the college's alumni asso ciation, congratulated the graduates on behalf o f the association. Included in the day's programme were a tree-planting ceremony, the taking o f group photos, and refreshments for both guests and students. Yet Another Victory f o r CUHK Debaters The U n ive rs ity 's Cantonese debating team achieved its second victory in three months in an in te rva rsity debating contest held between The Chinese University and the University o f East Asia on 18th May 1991 at Sintra Square, Macau. Arguing against the motion' The media should not encourage senseless culture', the CUHK team won by a margin o f two to one after an hour of heated debate. Mr. Cheng Kong-chung on the CUHK team was also selected best speaker in the contest. Obituary The Hon. Wai Szeto, CBE, D .Sc., L L D , passed away on Wednesday, 24th July 1991 in Paris, France. D r. Szeto was Architect of the University from 1963 to 1978 and Honorary Uni versity Architect from 1978 to 1987. NEWS 21 M r. Ian M a xw e ll, fo rm e r senior executive o f the In te r- U n ive rsity Council fo r H igher Education, passed away in July 1991. Mr. Maxwell was secretary o f the two Fulton Commissions - the first one in 1963 which recom mended the establishment o f The Chinese University and the second one in 1976 which recommended important changes to the constitutional framework o f the University.
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