Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University
就職講辭 Inaugural Address 13 年。中大四十年的歷史是一間中國 人創辦的大學,由誕生而成長而茁 壯而騰飛的偉大故事。我必須對創 校校長李卓敏,及我的前任馬臨、 高錕和李國章諸位先生表達我的敬 意。我感到幸運,能與他們在不同 時期共事,在他們的領導下,我在 不同的崗位上參與了校政的發展, 也使我分享到與中大一起成長的 喜悅。 每一位前任校長都為中大投入了最大 心力,他們在中大每一個階段,都 成功地把中大推上一個新的台階。 當然,更應指出,從創校到現在, 中大都幸運地得到歷屆校董會主席 與校董無私的支持與貢獻,他們都 是香港社會的賢達與翹楚,這使中 大十足十的成為一間香港中國人創 辦的大學。 今天我們在大學廣場舉行校長就 職與第五十八屆畢業典禮,最能 看到、感受到中大四十年來不平 凡的成就。原來的濯濯荒山,已 變成一個擁有一百三十多幢建築, 依山傍海,綠茵滿目,氣象萬千的 壯麗校園,而在制度的建構上,更 已擁有四個書院,七個學院,一個 研究院,以及近百個研究所、研究 中心,巍巍然形成一間研究型的綜 合性大學的大格局。具有遠見的創 校校長李卓敏先生就職時,中大只 有一千六百多名學子,現在已增至 一萬五千人,其中九千五百個本科 生,五千五百個研究生。今屆的畢 業同學就有四千五百多人,今天之 後他們就會加入到已有近七萬的龐 大校友的精英隊伍。樹木樹人,中 大對香港社會由一殖民地城市轉 化為一國際都會,提供了巨大的 blessed to have enjoyed, since its inception, the selfless support and contribution of its Council Chairmen andmembers, who have been some of the wisest and most capable community leaders in this city, making our institution a bona fide Chinese university founded by Hong Kong Chinese. Today, as we gather at the University Mall for the 58th Congregation, we can best see and best feel all that the University has heroically achieved in 40 years. What was once a barren hillock has now been transformed into a stunning campus cloaked in green, with some 130 buildings, flanked on one side by the hills and on the other by the sea. Institutionally there are four colleges, seven faculties, a graduate school, and close to a hundred research institutes and centres. The grand framework of a research-based comprehensive university has taken shape at The Chinese University. When the visionary Dr. Choh-Ming Li was inaugurated founding Vice-Chancellor, there were only 1,600 odd students. Today, there are 15,000, of whom some 9,500 are undergraduates and 5,500 postgraduates. After today, some 4,500 graduates of the class of 2002 will join the ranks of the University’s alumni, who are an elite group boasting a membership of close to 70,000. Perennial efforts by the University to nurture local talent have helped create the force that propels Hong Kong forward from a colonial city to an internationally-famous metropolis. The Chinese University of Hong Kong as we know it today is in every sense an international university, one that enjoys worldwide recognition and reputation in many areas of its teaching and research. Its MBA Programme was ranked number one in Asia by Asia Inc last August, and its Executive MBA Programme has just been rated top in Asia and 20th in the world by the London-based Financial Times . Forty years of tireless efforts by staff and
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