Bulletin Autumn 1975
3 Calligraphy; Special Studies on Chu Ta (Chairman: Prof. Jao Tsung-i) Prof. Tseng Yu-ho, Ecke, "Calligraphy in the 17th Century" Prof. Wang Fang-yu, " The Calligraphy of Chu T a " Prof. Jao Tsung-i, (i) "Landscape Paintings by Chu Ta in the Chih-lo Lou Collection and related problems" (ii) “ On Chu Ta's Shih- shuo Poems and his Flower and Bird A l bum dated 1684" 4 Studies on Ming I-min Painters (Chairman: Prof James Cahill) Prof. Chu-tsing Li, "Hsiang Sheng-mo and the events of 1644" Prof. Jerome Silbergeld, " The political landscapes of Kung Hsien, in painting and poetry" Mr. Takehiro Shindo, "Some recent studies on Pa-ta-shan-jen and Shih-t'ao in J a p an" 5 Painting Theory and Technique (Chairman: Prof. Cheng Te-k'un) Mr. Fu Shen, “ A Feature of Late Ming — Early Ch'ing painting: the 'dry linear style' and Shih-t'ao's early works" Dr. May-ching Kao, "New Studies on the Painting Theories of Tao-chi" Mr. Sheung Tsung-ho, "Brush, ink and Ch'i- y ü n" Mr. T . C. Cheng, Acting Vice-Chancellor, addressed the Symposium at the opening ceremony and Prof. Cheng Te-k'un made a closing address. An entire issue of The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies will be devoted to the proceedings of the Symposium. The Exhibition and Symposium were made possible by a special grant from the Harvard- Yenching Institute, the loan of exhibits by Mr. Ho lu-kwong, who also donated the entire printing cost of the Catalogue, and the moral and financial support of Mr. J.S. Lee, Chairman of the Art Gallery Management Committee. Chu Ta Landscape Tao Chi, Monk Landscape depicting poems of Huang Yen-lu 5
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