Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1997

a. to the D e p a r t m e nt of P h i l o s o p hy HK$15,000 to enable Prof. Ye Lang of Peking University to visi t it i n October- November 1996; and b. to the Department of Chinese Language and Literature HK$15,000 to enable Prof. W u Huanzhang of Shanghai University to visit it in February-March 1997. (148) F r om Miss W o n g Tsz-chiu HK$5,000 to support the Children's Cancer Wa rd of the Department of Paediatrics. (149) F r om Wy e t h - A y e r st I n t e r n a t i o n al Inc. HK$15,436 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Psychiatry to attend the depression awareness programme jointly organized by the Department and the H o ng K o n g College of Psychiatrists on 17t h November 1996. (150) From Wyeth (HK) Ltd. HK$4,700 to support the s y m p o s i um on paediatric practices organized by the Department of Pharmacy on 5th October 1996. (151) From Y. C. Woo & Co., Ltd. HK$5,00 0 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Surgery to atten d the ELSA-Thailand e n d o s u r g e ry c o n g r e ss i n B a n g k o k, Thailand, in October 1996. (152) From Ms. Marjorie Yang HK$1,000,000 to support the Endoscopy Centre of the Department of Surgery i n developing n ew methods of helping patients and training doctors and nurses throughout Asia. (153) F r om M r. Yeung Wing-ta k HK$72,200 to s u p p o rt the e q u i pme n t acquisition for the Y e u n g S h ui Sang L a b o r a t o ry f or Thermoluminescence of Ancient Ceramics. (154) From M r. Yip Shiu-fai HK$2,00 0 for The H o n g K o n g P a e d i a t r ic Bone M a r r o w Transplant F u nd o f the D e p a r t me n t of Paediatrics. (155) From Zeneca China Limited HK$11,800 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care to attend the A u s t r a l i an & N e w Z e a l a nd Intensive Care Society's a n n u al me e t i ng in Melbourne, Australia , in October 1996. (156) From Beaufour Ipsen International (Hong Kong) sponsorship (covering air-ticket, registration fee and hotel accommodation) for a staff member of the Department of Psychiatry to attend the Asian symposium on longevity in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 16th November 1996. (157) From Fong On Medical Co., Ltd. a N u A i r Class II Biological Safety Cabinet to the Department of Pharmacy. (158) From Sun Microsystems of California Ltd. hardware/software for the Sun Technology Centre of the Department of C omp u t er Science and Engineering. Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 1997 64