Physical Education Unit - Usage and Booking

General Information

  1. Eligible Users
    1. Sports facilities are made available for all eligible users upon production of the following valid University I.D. card:
      1. student I.D. card
      2. staff I.D. card
      3. dependant admission card for university sports facilities (applicable to family members of staff)
      4. alumni card
    2. Guest must be accompanied by full-time staff or students and must seek prior approval from the Physical Education Unit and pay the guest fee.
    3. Children under aged 5 are not allowed to use or to enter the facilities.
    4. Children aged between 5 and 12 must be accompanied by adult when using the facilities.
    5. Users are not allowed to receive fee for coaching without prior approval of the Physical Education Unit

  2. Priority in the Use of Sports Facilities
    1. Courses organised by the Physical Education Unit and the Sports Science and Physical Education Department.
    2. University sports teams training.
    3. College sports teams training.
    4. Activities organised by the Physical Education Unit.
    5. Activities organised by student organisations.
    6. Activities organised by staff organisations.
    7. Students activity hours.
    8. Staff activity hours.

  3. Dress
    1. Users should wear in appropriate clothing and sports shoes. Bare foot is not allowed.
    2. For all indoor facilities, footwear must be non-marking rubber-soled sports shoes.
    3. In the Haddon Cave Sports Field, shoes spikes longer than 6mm in length are not allowed.
    4. Other than University Soccer Team training and formal competition, no soccer boots are allowed on soccer fields (except artificial turf soccer boots).

  4. Changing Room
    1. Changing rooms are opened for all eligible users.

  5. Lockers
    1. Users are required to present their University I.D. card for the loan of key at the gymnasium service counter.
    2. Users must return key to the service counter before leaving the gymnasium.

  6. Equipment
    1. Staff or students are required to present their University I.D. card for loan of equipment.
    2. Please present a valid user ID for borrowing equipment during free activity time.
    3. For the safety of the users and protection of the facilities, prior notification must be given to the attendant for any installation of equipment, switching of light, or moving of benches.
    4. Any lost or damaged equipment will be charged to the person at cost and the case must be reported to the Unit as soon as possible
    5. Equipment must be returned before leaving the facilities.
    6. For the safety of the users, no tennis machines are allowed in tennis courts.

  7. Audio-Visual Equipment
    Use of audio-visual equipment is not allowed at the facilities unless prior approval is given by the Physical Education Unit.

  8. Smoking, Food and Drink
    No smoking, food or drink is allowed.

  9. Animals
    Animals are not allowed to be brought into any sports facilities.

  10. Lost and Found
    1. Users should not leave valuables in any sports facilities. The University will accept no responsibility for loss of personal property.
    2. Articles found will be kept for 3 weeks. All unclaimed articles will then be sent to the Security Unit.

  11. Injury
    All injuries or accidents should be reported immediately to the service counter of all sports facilities. First-aid kit is available at all facilities.

  12. Conduct
    1. All users should beware of personal conduct and should not disturb other users.
    2. In case of misconduct or misuse of sports facilities, the Physical Education Unit has the authority to reject or debar the offender from the facilities, or to refer him / her to the appropriate authority for disciplinary action, as appropriate.

  13. Guidelines of operating Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in CUHK
    The University's Administrative and Planning Committee has approved the 'Guidelines on Operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at CUHK' in order to maintain UAS operations safe and orderly on campus. For details, please refer to operation guidlines and download application form.

  14. Absence from Booking
    Users who have reserved for using the sports facilities but did not attend to use them for twice will be suspended for booking for two weeks.

Booking  Procedure

1. Group Booking

  1. Eligible university groups are allowed to book 1 session (1 hr) of each facility at the same week on the "Online Sports Facilities Booking" System.
  2. Group Booking for more than 1 session must be made in person at the respective Physical Education Unit office with completed application form.

    Application form can be obtained from University Sports Centre or downloaded here.

  3. Booking of sports facilities for competition or training course may be made up to 2 months in advance or seven working days before the use of the facility. A proposed fixture (including schedule, rules and/or course outline) must be submitted together with the application. For fair allocation, each organisation may apply for a maximum of three bookings for the same type of facility per school term.

2. Casual Booking

  1. Causal booking means booking of any one type of facility for one hour or less per week.
  2. Causal booking may be made 10 days in advance or 3 working days before the use of the facility. For fair allocation, each organisation may apply for one booking for the same type of facility per week.

3. Booking Permit

  1. A booking permit will be issued for all approved application. Users must collect the permit in advance during office hours. When using the facilities, users must produce their permits for inspection.

4. Cancellation of Booking

  1. For cancellation of group booking, notification must be made 48 hours in advance of the booked time. Otherwise, the Physical Education Unit would reserve the right to suspense the organisation from further bookings for one school term.
  2. All reserved facilities are not transferable (except tennis courts and squash courts).
  3. The Physical Education Unit reserves the right to cancel the booking or close any facilities that are unsuitable for use.

5. Booking of University Tennis Courts

  • Time for Booking
Monday and Wednesday : 9:00am - 11:00am
Friday : 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Booking Procedures

    * For tennis courts number 3 to 7

    1. Students and staff are allowed to book the sports facilities on the "Online Sports Facilities Booking" System.
    2. Booking may be made in person at the University Sports Centre or by calling at telephone number 3943-6093. Booking of courts for a maximum of one other person is allowed.
    3. Each user may book up to one session of one hour per day and not more than two sessions per week.
    4. Booking for the following week (Monday to Sunday) can be made on Friday 10:00am to 2:00pm at the University Sports Centre.
    5. A booking permit will be issued upon payment of the appropriate fee. Night court users should collect the booking permit from the University Sports Centre during office hours two days in advance.
    6. Users should inform the booking counter at least 1 day in advance for cancellation of day court booking. User who fails to do so for a total of 1 time will lose the right of using the facility for 2 weeks.
    7. Sunday, public holidays and night court bookings can be cancelled online or in person at least 1 day in advance. The booking fee is non-refundable for late cancellation (less than 24 hours from booking time slot).
    8. Booking permit of night courts can be retained for future use in case of heavy rain fall within the first 15 minutes of the booked session.
    9. Booking of vacant courts at the time of use may be made at the service counter of the University Sports Centre.

    * For tennis court number 8 and Shaw College tennis courts

    1. The three tennis courts are open for communal use by all CUHK staff and students on a walk-in basis (i.e. no advance booking) and free of charge. Users should bring their CU Link cards for access and using the floodlight.
    2. When there are queues for the courts, the current users have to give the court to the next eligible users in the queues at the start of the following hour.
    3. The Shaw College tennis courts can be booked by the Shaw College members (including the students, staff and members of the alumni association) in advance (for details please refer to the user guidelines for tennis courts of Shaw College), the University tennis court number 8 can be booked by all CUHK staff and students.
    4. Priority will be given to the users who have booked the tennis court.

  • Charges (for each one-hour session)
    1. Guest - HK$19 per guest per session (minimum one session).
    2. Night court surcharge - HK$52 (for student), $53 (for staff), $88( for alumni) per court.

6. Booking of Squash Courts

  • Time for Booking
  University Squash Court
Monday and Wednesday : 9:00am - 11:00am
Friday : 2:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Booking Procedures
      1. Students and staff are allowed to book the sports facilities on the "Online Sports Facilities Booking" System.
      2. For students and staff, booking may be made in person at the University Sports Centre or Kwok's Building squash court reception with the production of valid student I.D. card.
      3. Or booking may be made by calling at telephone number 3943-6097 / 3943-6093.
      4. Each user may book up to two sessions per week. (One session is equivalent to 45 minutes).
      5. Advance booking for the following week (Monday to Saturday) can be made on Friday at the University Sports Centre.
      6. A booking permit will be issued upon payment of the appropriate fee. Users should collect the booking permit from the service counter of the University Sports Centre or Kwok's Building squash court reception during office hours two days in advance.
      7. Bookings are unchangeable, non-refundable and cannot be cancelled.
      8. Booking of vacant courts at the time of use may be made at the service counter of the University Sports Centre.
  • Charges (for each 45 minutes session)
    1. Students - HK$19 per session
    2. Staff - HK$36 per session
    3. Guest - HK$19 per session
    4. Alumni - HK$54 per session