Newsletter No. 25
CUHK Newsletter No.25 December 1991 ANNOUNCEMENTS Staffing Arrangements on Christmas & New Year's Eves The following staffing arrangements for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve have been endorsed by the University since 1983 and will apply on 24th and 31st December this yean 1. For essential service units such as the Health Service, the Library System, the Operation Unit of the Computer Services Centre, the Security Unit and the Maintenance Office of the Buildings Office, a task force should remain on duty on both days to provide regular services. 2. For all other offices in the University, a skeleton crew should be appointed to be on duty in the morning to handle urgent matters and answer enquiries. These offices will be closed in the afternoon. 3. The skeleton staff on duty on either day will each be given compensation leave of half a day. Gifts? Bribery? The University is a public body listed under the Schedule of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (CAP 201, Laws of Hong Kong). All University employees are classified as ‘public servants' under the Ordinance and should be wary of accepting gifts which could be construed as being offered to them in connection with their ‘public' duties. As the Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching, members of the staff who wish to give away or accept any gifts in this festive season and who are in doubt as to whether such gifts are permissible under the law should first consult the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. Copies of the Ordinance are available for reference at the University Library and its branch libraries, as well as the Information Office (Room205 , University Administration Building). Shuttle Bus Service No Longer Free during Non-class Periods From Sunday, 19th January 1992, all users of the University shuttle bus service (including staff members, students, and other visitors) will need to pay one dollar (in the form of a bus coupon) per ride during non-class periods, i.e. Sundays, gazetted holidays, and the summer months from 1st June to 31st August each year. (Dales in August for student registration and selection of courses are exceptions, and a special bus service will be arranged for PDP students in June.) Bus coupons in sets of 20 at $20 per set will be available at the Transport Unit and the Dean of Students' Offices in the colleges from 6th January 1992. Bus drivers on duty will also keep a small amount of coupons for sale. Revision of Dental Charges With effect from 1st January 1992, the University Health Service will adjust the charges for dental services for University staff on Terms of Service ‘A', 'B' , and ‘C’ as well as students. For further information, please contact the dental clinic at Ext. 6412. Where to Send Such Details about Yourself Different service units in the University administration will need different types of information about University staff members for various purposes. Make sure you know where to send the details. 1. Services to the Community and International Organizations Send all entries to the Information Office, who will compile a list each month for publication in the CUHK Newsletter. 2. Honours and Awards Same as 1. 3. Academic Publications, Research Activities, and Participation in Conferences Send all details to the Secretary of the Research Committee, c/o Office of Industrial and Business Development, who will compile all information for presentation to the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee, for publishing annual reports, and for onward transmission to the Personnel Section for staff record purposes. Applications for conference grants should however always be sent to the Personnel Section for processing. 4. Changes in Personal Data Always keep the Personnel Section updated on any changes in your personal data (academic titles, additional qualifications, marital status, address and telephone number etc.). Prompt notification of such changes is essential for ensuring accuracy in the University's official staff records and publications such as the University Calendar and CUHK Newsletter. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Section on a prescribed form if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as education allowance, housing, passages, or if there have been changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the latters' employers. Staff Review: Non-teaching Staff Members on Terms of Service ‘B’ & ‘C’ The Administrative Af f a i rs Committee and the Sub-Committee on Minor Staff Affairs have sent out circulars to department chairmen/unit heads to invite nominations and recommendations concerning the 10
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