Physical Education Unit - Announcements


2021.03.19 Partial Reopening of Spectator Stand of Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field
2021.03.18 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2021.03.10 Arrangement on Examination of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 T2
2021.03.03 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2021.03.03 Temporary Closure of Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre
2021.03.01 Arrangement on Teaching Mode of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 T2
2021.02.23 Changing of Staff Badminton Practice Time
2021.02.17 Opening of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2021.02.04 Re-opening of Outdoor Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2021.01.08 Required and Elective Physical Education Courses Assessment in 2020-21 Second Term
2021.01.08 Arrangement on Teaching Mode of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 T2
2020.12.19 Holiday Closure List for PEU Sports Facilities 2021
2020.12.15 Arrangement on Practical Examination of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 1st Term
2020.12.09 Temporary Closure of Sports Facilities
2020.12.02 Temporary Closure of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2020.12.02 Required and Elective Physical Education Courses Assessment in 2020-21 First Term
2020.12.01 Arrangement on Teaching Mode and Examination of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 T1
2020.12.01 Cancellation of 2019-20 Second Term Practical Examinations
2020.12.01 Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2020.11.20 Temporary Closure of Soccer Pitches of Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field and Lingnan Stadium
2020.11.16 Temporary Cancellation of Staff Basketball Practice Time
2020.11.13 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2020.11.13 Temporarily closure of United College, New Asia College Gymnasium and Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre
2020.11.11 Temporary Closure of Access from Spectator Stand to Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field
2020.11.06 Latest Arrangement on Using Sports Facilities
2020.11.02 Arrangement on Examination of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 T1
2020.10.28 Required Physical Education Programme Pre-exam Practice Venue
2020.10.23 Arrangement on Make-up Practical Examination of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2019-20 T2
2020.10.23 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2020.10.21 Updated Class Arrangement for Required and Elective Physical Education Courses in 2020-21 T1
2020.10.13 Cancellation of Try-outs and Trainings of University and College Sports Teams
2020.10.09 Temporary Closure of Spectator Stand of University Tennis Court No.3-5
2020.10.06 Changing of Staff Badminton Practice Venue
2020.10.05 Adjusted Opening Hours of Sports Facilities Time
2020.09.30 Adjustment of Maximum No. of Users in Team Sports Training / Competition and Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2020.09.18 Re-opening of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2020.09.14 Changing of Staff Badminton Practices Time
2020.09.14 Re-opening of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the COVID-19
2020.08.28 The arrangement on Required and Elective Physical Education Courses Assessment in 2020-21 First Term
2020.08.19 Update on Announcement Date of Cancellation of 2019-20 Second Term Practical Examinations
2020.07.28 The arrangement on 2019-20 T2 Required and Elective P.E. Courses Practical Examination
2020.07.14 Temporary Closure of Sports Facilities
2020.07.13 Suspension of Indoor Basketball Activities and Temporary Closure of Fitness Rooms
2020.07.13 Staff Badminton and Squash Practice Time
2020.07.10 Enhancement Measures Against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
2020.07.10 Staff Badminton & Basketball and Squash PracticeTime
2020.07.10 PE Unit Online Facilities Booking System
2020.07.02 Partial Closure of the Track of Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field
2020.06.30 Re-opening of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures Against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
2020.06.24 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2020.06.22 Temporary Closure of Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre
2020.06.22 Staff Badminton & Basketball and Squash PracticeTime
2020.06.19 Re-opening of Squash Courts and Changing Rooms of Kwok Sports Building
2020.06.12 Temporary Closure of Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre and New Asia College Gymnasium
2020.06.09 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2020.06.02 Extension of Opening Hours of the Tracks of Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field and University Fitness Room
2020.05.26 Cancellation of 2020 Summer Sports Programme and Staff Competitions
2020.05.25 Arrangement on Elective P.E. Courses Offered in Summer Session 2019-20
2020.05.12 Re-opening of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
2020.05.11 Temporary Closure of Turf Area of The Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field and Soccer Pitch of Lingnan Stadium
2020.05.08 Partial Closure of Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field
2020.05.03 Arrangement on Video Submission of Required and Elective P.E. Courses
2020.04.29 Re-opening of Sports Facilities and Precautionary Measures against the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
2020.03.23 Temporary Closure of Sports Facilities
2020.02.07 Arrangement on Online Teaching and Examination of Required and Elective Physical Education Courses
2020.01.01 Holiday Closure List for PEU Facilities 2020
2019.09.11 Lost university fitness card or fitness certificate
2019.09.04 Temporary Closure of University Fitness Room
2019.08.19 Closure of University Climbing Wall
2013.01.09 Loan service of the archery equipment for CU departments and organizations


Partial Reopening of the Spectator Stand of

Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field