Physical Education Unit - Sports for Hope – CUHK Elite Athletes Scheme

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The Physical Education Unit (PE Unit) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong has received the generous donation of HK$2.6 million from the Sports for Hope Foundation (SFHF) for the establishment of the “Sports for Hope Foundation - CUHK Elite Athletes Scheme”. The donation has been used to support various sports development programmes, including setting up of the following scholarship and schemes:

I.      Sports For Hope Scholarship

II.     Sports For Hope – CUHK Sports Team Training Scheme

III.   Sports For Hope – CUHK Sports Leadership Training


Project Descriptions:

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1.       Sports For Hope Scholarship


In support of sports development, Sports for Hope Foundation has generously donated a number of scholarships to The Chinese University of Hong Kong annually since the academic year 2012/13.  The scholarships will be offered to local full-time students with outstanding sports performance and financial need.


Value of Scholarships

The value of each scholarship ranges from HK$10,000 to HK$50,000, subject to the final decision of the Scholarship Selection Panel.



2.   Sports For Hope – CUHK Sports Team Training Scheme


The purposes of CUHK Sports Team Training Scheme were to boost team morale and enhance the skill set of the CUHK sports teams. The Sports for Hope Foundation subsidized the overseas or local training of the selected teams through this scheme. In order to preparing CUHK sports teams to compete for the honor of the University in local and international inter-universities sports events.


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CUHK Women Basketball Team Training at Taiwan, 2014

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CUHK Swimming Team Training at Malaysia, 2016


3.Sports For Hope – CUHK Sports Leadership Training


The Leadership Training aimed at building up leadership and communication skills among captains of University Sports Teams. Through the training camp, it was hoped that captains’ self-esteem, self-awareness and organizational skills could be enhanced, so that they would be well equipped to assist team coaches in training and help both their teams and teammates develop sustainably. The training was also expected to help establish a sense of responsibility and belonging among the team captains.

In order to acknowledge the contributions of sports team captains, the Captains’ Corner with banners showing the profiles of all team captains, was set up at the lobby of the University Sports Centre.

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4.      Gratitude Sharing Ceremony


In order to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Sports for Hope Foundation, a sharing session was held in June annually at the University Sports Centre, CUHK. Scholarship recipients and athletes represented their own teams to express their gratitude to the Foundation. The athletes took the opportunity to sincerely thank Ms Marie Christine Lee, the guest of honour of the ceremony and promised to do their best in sports and contribute to the society in the future.


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 Sports for Hope Foundation

CUHK Volley-MAX Invitation Competition 2016

Funded by Sports for Hope Foundation and organized by CUHK Men’s volleyball team


1.          To introduce the skillful tactics and share experience with the secondary schools students that learnt from Taiwan Universities in SFH Team training program.

2.          To introduce the Program of Sports for Hope Foundation to secondary schools.

3.          To increase the team building of CUHK Men’s & Women’s Volleyball teams and the sense of

responsibility and belonging of players.

4.          To enhance a better communication with Volleyball Teachers and potential players.

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