Physical Education Unit - Ms. MA Man-sum

ms ma

Address:  Physical Education Unit, University Sports Centre,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG 
Tel:  (852) 3943 3784
Fax:  (852) 2603 5275 

Assistant Lecturer

MSc (SMHS, CUHK), MEd & BEd (SSPE, CUHK). Hong Kong Elite Karatedo Athlete (Premier League World Top Ranking No.4, 3 times Asian Bronze Medalist, East Asian Games Silver Medalist & 2 times Asian Games Representative), Black Belt 4 Dan. The current chairman of CUHK SSPE alumni association, founder member of Tender Loving Care Charity Association Ltd., Sports Federation & Olympic Committee (SFOC) Athlete Committee Member, SFOC Festival of Sport Organizing Committee Member, Karatedo Federation of Hong Kong, China Ltd. (KFHKCL) Coaching Committee Non-executive Member. Served as Hong Kong Baptist University School of Continuing of Education part-time lecturer, Hong Kong Coaching Committee (HKCC) part-time lecturer, manager & coach in the World University Karatedo Championship 2018, CUHK SSPE research assistant. Qualification: Australia Sports Medicine Sport Trainer Level 2, HKCC Coaching Level 3, KFHKCL registered coach & judge, Canada Stretching Therapy Association stretching instructor, Hong Kong Dodgebee Association technical instructor. Course taught at present: Physical Education Required Courses. Research Interest: athletes’ career and lives, physical education teacher professionalism and continued professional development, physical literacy, etc.