Physical Education Unit - Mr. FUNG Kam-fai

km fung

Address:  Physical Education Unit, University Sports Centre,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG 
Tel:  (852) 3943 1635 
Fax:  (852) 2603 5275 


MEd, BEd (SSPE, CUHK). Head Coach of the University Women’s Soccer Team; Coordinator of PEU and Hostel Warden of Lee Woo Sing College; Coordinator of Soccer Team, Rowing Teams and Table Tennis Teams; Coach of Swimming Teams, Track and Field Teams, Tennis Teams of Lee Woo Sing College; Vice-chairman of CUHK Staff Soccer Club; Convener of CUHK Staff Tennis Competition. Teaching subjects include Soccer, Squash, Tennis, Basketball, Handball, Physical Conditioning. Certificate of the FIFA/HKFA Women’s Grassroots Coaching Course; Registered Coach Level C of the Hong Kong Football Association; Assistant Coach (Soccer) of “Real Madrid Foundation Clinic Hong Kong 2016”; Registered Coach of Soccer, Athletics, Camp Counselor of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department; Coach and Judge of the Hong Kong Amateur Athletics Association; Coach of Hong Kong Handball Association; Past experiences: Acting Chairman of secondary school P.E. panel; BOD member and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, China; Team Manager of Hong Kong Rope Skipping Delegation; Designer of “Rope Skipping: Fun and Fitness” School-based Curriculum Scheme; Chairman of the Alumni Association of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK; Track and Field’s Coach of the Hong Kong Games.