Physical Education Unit - CU Trails App

CU Trails IconCU Trails App:

PE Unit is encouraging students to actively participate in brisk walking, jogging and hiking. An app was devised for this purpose and students will be awarded of participation marks in required and/or elective PE course upon completion of the following items:

1) Students should run the app and participate in physical activity(including brisk walking, jogging and hiking) at least 20 minutes each time and 3 times per week, and

2) Complete an online questionnaire*before starting and at the 5th / 10th week of the exercise programme;

3) 4 participation marks will be awarded upon completion of 5-week exercise programme and the online questionnaire;

4) 8 participation marks will be awarded upon completion of 10-week exercise programme and the online questionnaire.

Valid period: 11/1/2021 - 24/4/2021

Students should inform lecturers upon completion. PE Unit will send out the participant list to lecturers later on.

* The questionnaire will be used for research purposes only. All the personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

>> Instructional Guide for CU Trails App Instructional Guide for CU Trails App

Available on the App Store  Get it on Google Play


>> Teaching Video Teaching Video