Physical Education Unit - Mr. LAM Kin-wing

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Address: Physical Education Unit, University Sports Centre,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG 
Tel: (852) 3943 5310 
Fax:  (852) 2603 5275 


BEd(CUHK), MEd (CUHK), DipEd(CUHK). Coach of men football team for 2004 All China University Game HK, HKSSF Football Referee, Level I coach for Hong Kong Volleyball Association (HKVA), HKBA Basketball Official, Level II Archery Coach for US Archery Association, Level II Coach for the Hong Kong Basketball Association (HKBA), Life Saving bronze medal for the Hong Kong Life Saving Society, Level 0 Tag Rugby Coach for Hong Kong Rugby Association, HKTA Tennis Umpire for Hong Kong Tennis Association, Goal Keeper Trainer for the Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA), Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Level C Coach, Level I Coach for Handball Association of Hong Kong, China, Elementary Tennis Coach for the China Tennis Association, Mini-tennis Instructor for Hong Kong Tennis Association. Youth Leader of Ice Hockey Level I instructor, Dodge Ball Level I instructor, Touch Rugby Level I Coach, Dodge bee Level I instructor, Elementary Handball referee for the Handball Association of Hong Kong, China. Had been secondary school P.E. teacher, teaches Physical Education required courses. At Present, Coordinators of CUHK Men and Women Rugby, Men and Women Dragon Boat, Men and Women Softball Teams and Consultants of the Chung Chi College Men Soccer, Men Basketball, Men and Women Tennis Teams, Convener of External Sports Activities Sub-Committee of Physical Education Unit, CUHK and Committee member of the Executive Committee of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China.