Newsletter No. 12
CUHK N e w s l e t t e r Services to the Community and International Organizations * Prof. Charles K. Kao, the Vice-Chancellor, has been invited to be amember of the Electro-optics Science and Technology Committee, National Science Council, the Executive Yuan, Taiwan. * Prof. Ho Kam-fai, professor of social work, has been appointed a panel member of the Regional Services Appeals Board by HE the Governor for three years from 10th August 1990. * Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, professor of surgery, was invited to serve as visiting professor at Yale University, USA from 16th to 19th September 1990. Prof. Li has also been reappointed by the Young Women Christian Association as honorary consultant for one year from 1990 to 1991. * Prof. S. T. Chang, professor of biology, has been elected amember of the executiveboard ofthe International Union ofMicrobiology Societies for four years from 26th August 1990. (All information in this column is provided by the Information Office) New Publications of The University Press The following new books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: • Essayson the Constitution of the People's Republicof China 2nd Edition (in Chinese) edited by Byron S.J.Weng, iv + 348 pp., (paperback, HK$40). • A Glossary of Social Work Terms in Chinese edited by Shirley Lau and John F. Jones, vi + 74 pp., (paperback, HK$30). •《外交生涯四十年》( in Chinese) by Ho Feng-shan, xxvi + 713 pp., (paperback, HK$120). • Market Environmentalism (in Chinese) translated by RonaldW.C. Teng, xii + 124 pp., (paperback, HK$40). CUHK Newsletter 1. Itemsfor the next issue(mid-December)shouldreachtheEditor by27th November 1990. 2. All contributions andsuggestionsshouldbesent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter,c/othePublication Office, University Secretariat, TheChineseUniversity ofHong Kong (ext. 2936). 3. Contributions shouldbeaccompaniedwith Chinese translations; otherwisetheywill appearin the English versionof the Newsletter only. 4. TheEditor reserves theright to rejectcontributions andto edit all articlesfor reasonsofclarity, lengthorgrammar. Those who donot wish to havetheir articles amended shouldindicateclearly in writing, 5. No part of this Newsletter maybereproducedwithout thewritten consentof the Editor. 6. Thispublication hasa circulation of 1,100and is primarily intended for staff membersof CUHK. Copiesarealsosentto localeducationalinstitutions and individuals associated with theUniversity. Those whowish tobeincluded onthe mailing list please contact theNewsletter direct. We welcome your contributions Published by the PublicationOffice,TheChineseUniversity ofHong Kong Editor: Amy K.Y. Leung Assistant Editors: K.L. Wan; Florence Chan Graphic Artist: StellaP.C.Lai 10
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