Newsletter No. 39
CUHK Newsletter No39 February 1993 walkathon and the University owes a great deal to all those who put so much time into this: particularly the Information Office, the Security Unit, the Transport Unit, the Buildings Office and all those outside organizations including the Royal Hong Kong Police, the Government Information Services, the Civil Aid Services, the A ll Stars Football Team, the Kiangsu-Chekiang School (Shatin) Band, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, and the Auxiliary Medical Services. Mention must also be made of the contributions made by the New Asia Martial Arts Association and the OISP Lion Dance Team who provided the necessary good fortune for the opening ceremony. No event such as this however can be successful without walkers, and when two days before the event the weather turned into one of those perfectly horrible days we would all like to forget, there was a good deal of apprehension about whether the walk would take place at all. Two days later however there was some relief and as from 8 a.m., staff, students, families and friends of the University began to assemble in the decorated Lingnan Stadium of Chung Ch i College. They came in great numbers, around 2,500 in total, all suitably and colourfully clothed against the cold. By 9.30 a.m., a long trail of walkers had been formed, and started to move towards their destination via the Marine Science Laboratory, the Staff Boat Club, and the bicycle track running to the Sha Tin Town Hall. The seven- kilometre walk was ably led by Prof. Charles Kao, the vice-chancellor. The University is grateful to all those who sponsored the event, no matter whether their contributions were large or small. Particular thanks must go to Mr. Thomas Chen and Mr. George Cheng for their magnificent donations of HK$10 million each, and to Sir Q. W. Lee, chairman of the University Council, Dr. Alice Lam, treasurer of the University, Prof. Gerald Choa, chairman of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, Mrs. Elizabeth Wong, Secretary for Health and Welfare, and Mr. John Chan, Secretary for Education and Manpower, all of whom braved the weather and helped to make the event a memorable one. And the money raised from other donations and the sponsored walkers? A further $1 million was pledged. This represents tremendous support from within and outside the University and is a great tribute to all those who responded. The University has been greatly encouraged to live up to the anniversary motto and face the challenges that lie ahead. TOL O LIGHT An Evening of English & Chinese Poetry Reading Lecture Theatre, Shaw College The Chinese University of Hong Kong 730 to 930 p.m., Wednesday 10th March 1993 All are welcome Jointly presented by Shaw College and Departments of Chinese, English, and Music, CUHK Telephone: 609 7358 Fax: 603 5427 from Renditions and Columbia University Press RECORDS OF THE GRAND HISTORIAN by Sima Qian translated by Burton Watson Qin Dynasty HKS249 Han Dynasty, volume I HK$299 Han Dynasty, volume II HKS299 A new translation of the Qin dynasty history complements these revised editions of Professor Watson's well-known translation of Sima Qian's classic works of Han history. These handsome hardcover volumes are available f r om Renditions, Room 112, Institute of Chinese Studies. 8
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