Newsletter No. 75
4 No. 75 4th October 1995 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任麥健思博士爲護理學(臨牀護理學)講座教 授,由一九九五年六月一日起生效。 麥健思教授七一年起在英國伯克郡和埃塞克斯任職護 士,七八年取得倫敦大學護理學文憑,其後不斷進修,翌年 領取薩里大學社區健康護士導師證書,八四年獲倫大頒授文 學碩士學位,九零年獲薩里大學哲學博士學位。 麥教授於八九年獲聘爲倫大護理學講師,此前十餘年任 教於埃塞克斯多所高等學府。她於九三年八月加入本校服 務,任護理學系講師,九四年晉升爲高級講師。 Dr. A.E. Mackenzie has been appointed professor of nursing (clinical nursing) from 1st June 1995. Prof. Mackenzie moved from the practice of community nursing to nurse education in 1978. She obtained her MA in education from the University of London in 1984 and her doctorate from the University of Surrey in 1990. Before joining The Chinese University in 1993, she was lecturer in nursing in various institutions of higher education in Essex and at the University of London. She has had extensive experience in teaching nursing, coordinating courses, developing curriculum, and conducting research. She was promoted to senior lecturer rank in August 1994. 偉倫訪問教授講座 A Pharmaceutical Approach to Matters of the Heart 美國康涅狄格大學臨牀藥劑學講座教授周樫森教授應大 學邀請出任偉倫訪問教授,並於十月十三日下午五時假邵逸 夫夫人樓 LT6 演講室主持公開講座,講題爲「心肺復甦藥物 治療進展及面臨之挑戰」。歡迎出席。 Prof. Moses Chow, professor of clinical pharmacy at the University of Connecticut, USA, and Wei Lun Visiting Professor to the University, will deliver a public lecture entitled 'Improving the Pharmacotherapy of Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Challenge for the Present and Future' on Friday, 13th October, at 5.00 p.m. in LT6 of the Lady Shaw Building. All are welcome. 教職員子女本地教育津貼 Local Education Allowance 隨政府最近調整公務員子女本地教育津貼,大學自一九 九五年九月一日起,亦相應修訂教職員子女本地教育津貼之 最高津貼額如下: 小學——每年二萬七千八百廿五元 中學——中一至中三:每年四萬六千一百廿五元 中四及以上:每年四萬三千一百六十三元 教職員子女如就讀中四年級或以上者,其應繳之基本費 用,亦由每年三千五百元增至三千九百五十元。 符合申請資格之同人,請盡早塡寫申請表,連同學費收 據寄回人事處。查詢請電人事處(內線七二九二)。 Following the government's revision of local education allowance rates for dependent children of civil servants, the maximum allowance payable to eligible appointees in the University has been increased from 1st September 1995 as follows: For each child attending primary school: HK$27,825 per year For each child attending secondary school: (i) Secondary I to Secondary III—HK$46,125 per year (ii) Secondary IV and above — HK$43,163 per year The basic charge an appointee has to pay towards the school fee of his child who attends Secondary IV or above has also been revised from HK$3,500 to HK$3,950 per year. Eligible appointees should complete an application form for each child and return it with receipts of school-fees to the Personnel Office as early as possible. Enquiries should be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7292). Air Passage Rates Revised Leave passage rates for appointees on overseas terms whose place of permanent home is the United Kingdom have been revised with effect from 1st September 1995 as follows: (a) Air passages would be earned at the current rate of HK$24,930 for a leave-earning service period of 20 months for eligible appointees within the professorial range and 30 months for all other eligible appointees, in respect of service earned up to and including 31st August 1995. Any unspent balance might be carried forward to be used after 31st August 1995 in accordance with the current regulations governing air passages. (b) The air passage earning rate would be revised downwards to HK$18,906 in respect of service earned from 1st September 1995. Services of Price Waterhouse Engaged for Internal Audit From the VC's Office: From 1st October 1995, arrangements for the University's internal audit function will be as follows: • Price Waterhouse, supported by the Internal Audit staff of the University, has been engaged to assume the full range of duties relating to the internal audit function. As a result of this engagement, representatives from Price Waterhouse will participate in future internal audit projects. • On a day-to-day basis, Mrs. Kim Cheng (Senior Internal Auditor) will be the contact person on matters relating to internal audit. • Mr. Louis S. Heung has returned full-time to the Bursary as Senior Assistant Bursar. 訃告 Obituary 外科學系護士伍蔡若慈女士於一九九五年七月十三日辭 世。伍女士於一九八九年八月一日加入本校服務。 Mrs. Chritz Ng Choi York-chee, nurse in the Department of Surgery, passed away on 13th July 1995. Mrs. Ng joined the University on 1st August 1989. 新書NewPublications 中文大學出版社 The Chinese University Press • Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice 1995-96 Edited by David Flux, revised by David Smith, and first published in 1981, the book offers a comprehensive and practical guide to Hong Kong taxation. Its 10 chapters deal with basic aspects of Hong Kong taxation including depreciation allowances, personal assessment, penalties, and other complex tax problems. Amply illustrated with relevant examples from Hong Kong and elsewhere, the 1995-96 edition also includes changes in legislations on various types of tax allowances. 710 pages, paperback, HK$230. • 《中國教會大學歷史文獻研討會論文集》 隨著中國開放一九四九年以前的歷史文獻 檔案,中國教會大學之檔案漸受到國內外學者 關注。由吳梓明編的《中國教會大學歷史文獻 硏討會論文集》便是一部收錄有關這方面資料 的論文集。 該書輯錄論文四十二篇,分爲四部分。第 一部分簡略報道一九四九年前中國 教會大學文獻的分布 及收藏情況;第二 部分則分區報導中 國各地及海外收藏 的檔案;第三部分是 專題文章,就有關檔 案文獻的整理、利用 及硏究等問題進行廣 泛的討論;第四部分 爲綜合討論,輯錄了 四位學者對目前中國 教會大學歷史硏究的一些總結。 文章由美國、加拿大、中國、台灣及香港 的專家學者執筆,書中所載資料極爲珍貴,爲 從事這方面硏究的重要素材。 六百三十頁,平裝本,二百五十港元。 文物館 A r t Museum • 《嶺南三高畫藝》 該書由文物館館長高美慶教授編著,精 選文物館藏嶺南三高(高劍父、高奇峰、高劍 僧)畫作六十三幅,彩版精印,爲該館廣東繪 畫選刊叢書之二。高教授在書中介紹三高生平 行事及畫藝成就,並輯錄三高年表、名款及用 印,是研究嶺南畫派的重要參考書籍。 一百廿四頁(彩版六十三頁),平裝本, 三百五十港元。 The Art of the Gao Brothers of the Lingnan School by Kao Mayching, 124 pages + 63 colour plates, HK$350. The Art of the Gao Brothers of the Lingnan School, featuring 63 paintings by the Gao brothers — Gao Jianful, Gao Qifeng and Gao Jianseng, selected from the collection of the University's Art Museum, is the second monograph of the Guangdong Painting Series of the Art Museum. In the introductory essay to the volume, the director of the Museum Prof. Kao Mayching provides an analysis of the activities and achievements of the Gao brothers. With detailed descriptive entries of the paintings, a chronology, and selections of signatures and seals, this volume is an indispensable reference for the study of the Lingnan school of painting. 中大通訊 CUHK NEWSLETTER 1.本刊逢四日及十九日出版。 2. 來函或投稿請寄沙田香港中文大學秘書處出版事務處《中大通訊》 編輯部(電話 2 6 0 9 7297 ,圓文傳眞 2603 6864 ,電子郵遞 ) 。 3. 投稿者須附眞實姓名、地址及聯絡電話,文章則可用筆名發表。 4. 本刊編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿,不欲稿件被刪者請預先聲 明。 5. 本刊所載文章只反映作者之觀點和意見,並不代表校方或本刊立 場。 6. 本刊內容未經編者書面准許,不得轉載。 7. 本刊每期發行三千六百份,免費供校內教職員索閱,部分郵寄本地 教育機構及與大學有關人士。私人索閱,請致函本刊查詢。 1. The Newsletter is published on the 4th and 19th of each month. 2. All contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 7297; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not want to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. The views expressed in the CUHK Newsletter are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the University or the Editor. 6. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 7. This publication has a circulation of 3,600 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. 截 稿 日 期 Deadlines for Contributions 期數 Issue no. 出版日期 Issue date 截稿日期 Deadline for contributions 76 19.10.95 5.10.95 77 4.11.95 21.10.95 78 19.11.95 7.11.95 79 4.12.95 21.11.95 80 19.12.95 5.12.95 香港中文大學出版事務處出版 編輯:梁其汝 助理編輯:蔡世彬 陳偉珠 製作:黎寶翠 梅潔媚 Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K.Y. Leung Assistant Editors: Lawrence Choi, Piera Chen, Shalini Bahadur Graphic Designers: Stella P.C. Lai, May K.M. Mui 印刷:鮑思高印刷有限公司 Printing: Don Bosco Printing Co. Ltd.
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