Newsletter No. 39
3 No39 February 1993 CUHK Newsletter Prof. Tang traced the development of basi c scientifi c researc h i n Chin a over th e las t 4 0 years , an d describe d the achievement s o f th e Nationa l Natural Scienc e Foundatio n o f China , which wa s establishe d i n 198 6 t o administer researc h foundation s an d subsidize thei r activities . H e pointe d out tha t th e foundatio n ha d supporte d many basi c researc h project s whic h subsequently produce d importan t scientific findings , initiate d th e provision of consultanc y service s fo r foreign governments , an d activel y promoted internationa l technologica l cooperation an d exchange. As a result, he said , th e internationa l standin g o f Chinese scientist s ha d greatl y improved. Sir Run Run Shaw Dist inguished Vi s i t i n g Schola r 1993 Prof. Richar d Rorty , Universit y Professor of Humanitie s o f th e Universit y of Virginia , visite d Sha w Colleg e las t month a s th e college' s Si r Ru n Ru n Shaw Distinguishe d Visitin g Schola r 1993. Durin g hi s two-wee k stay , h e gave tw o publi c lectures : 'Huma n D i gn i t y, Ra t i ona l i t y an d Sentimentality' on 15t h January , an d ‘ A World Withou t Intrinsi c Properties ' o n 18th January. Prof. Rorty has been hailed as ‘the most interestin g philosophe r i n th e world today’ and is widely known as an anti-philosopher. H e ha s inherite d Dewey's pragmatism and is a humanist denouncing dogmatis m an d authoritarianism. He wa s admitte d t o th e University o f Chicago at the age of 14, completed hi s M.A . studie s there , and obtained hi s doctorat e a t Yal e University. His works have been translated into 1 2 language s includin g German , French an d Chinese. The mos t famous ones ar e The Linguistic Turn, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, and Contingency, Irony and Solidarity. Professorial Inaugural Lecture Prof. Davi d C . Anderson , professo r o f medicine, delivere d hi s inaugura l lecture entitle d 'Hormone s an d Bone : Breaks an d Breakthrough ' o n 15t h January. In hi s lecture . Prof . Anderso n described th e structure and function o f bone as a living tissue, how it grows and adapts to stress, and how hormones and vitamin D help to control it. He said that knowledge of such processes had helped in th e understanding , preventio n an d treatment of two bone diseases: Paget's disease and osteoporosis. The former is common i n th e UK bu t rathe r rar e i n Hong Kong , whil e th e latte r i s ver y common in both places. Nasopharyngeal Cance r Researc h Foundation Establishe d A Nasopharyngea l Cancer Researc h Foundation wa s recently establishe d in th e Universit y t o encourage researc h on nasopharyngea l cancer (NPC ) an d promote relate d educational activities. NPC i s s o prevalent in souther n China tha t i t ha s bee n dubbe d th e 'Cantonese Cancer' . In Hong Kong, an average o f on e i n 2,50 0 adult s age d under 5 0 i s stricke n wit h th e cance r each year . The high incidenc e o f NP C has mad e i t a specia l Hon g Kon g responsibility t o figh t th e disease , an d for year s a workgroup o n NPC a t th e Prince o f Wale s Hospita l ha s activel y promoted interdepartmenta l cooperation on it s prevention , earl y diagnosis , and effective treatment. With recen t donation s o f HK$1. 5 million from Healt h Care Asia Inc. and HKS0.5 millio n fro m th e Providenc e Foundation, th e NP C workgrou p ha s now bee n strengthene d an d enlarge d into th e Nasopharyngea l Cance r Research Foundation. To be housed in the Sir Y. K. Pao Cancer Centre at the Prince of Wale s Hospital , th e foundation wil l continue th e goo d wor k o f th e NP C workgroup an d aspir e t o becom e a n international informatio n centr e fo r different aspect s o f nasopharyngea l cancer. CUHK adviser s t o th e foundatio n include Prof . Arthu r K . C . Li , Dr . P . Choi, Dr . D . P. Huang, Dr. John Tam, and Mr. C.A. Va n Hasselt.
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