Newsletter No. 32
CUHK Newsletter No.32 July 1992 The Righ to Communicate An international conference on ‘The Right to Communicate' was held at the Cho Yiu Conference Hall on 17th and 18th June to examine how the concept of ‘the right to communicate' was understood, recognized and practised in various Chinese societies. The conference was j o i n t ly organized by the Department of Journalism and Communication and the World Association for Christian Communication based in London. Some 20 scholars and media professionals from the USA, the UK, Australia, Taiwan and Hong Kong attended the function, which was divided into six discussion sessions on different themes. Colleg e Graduations Over 1,500 students graduated from the University's four constituent colleges this year, and college graduation ceremonies were held in late May and early June on the campus. Shaw College Shaw College produced 339 graduates in 1991-92 and the college graduation ceremony took place on 30th May at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Chia-wei Woo, vice-chancellor of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Prof. C. N. Chen, head of Shaw College. They also presented certificates of merit to prize winners. United College The 1992 graduation ceremony of United College was held on 6th June, also at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Prof. Wang Gungwu, vice-chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Thomas Cheung, chairman of the alumni association of the college, addressed the 402 graduates of the college as guests of honour. Over 1,000 guests attended the function. New Asia College The 41st farewell assembly in honour of the 1991-92 graduates of New Asia College was held in the morning of 7th June at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Prof. T. B. Lin, the college head, officiated at the ceremony. Mr. H. C. Tang, chairman of the college board of trustees, was invited to address the 384 graduates. Group photos were taken after the ceremony at the college gymnasium. Chung Chi College Chung Chi College's 38th valedictory service took place on the afternoon of 7th June in the college chapel. The Revd. Lee Ching Chee, associate general secretary of the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, was the guest speaker. A tea reception for guests and parents was then organized at the college staff club and chapel lounge. The college produced 395 graduates this year. 4
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