Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 12 Sep 1967

474 to Receive Bachelor's Degrees I
13 to be Awarded M.A. Degrees I
21 to be Awarded Diploma of Education I
Announcement by the Vice-Chancellor II
Orientation Programme for Scholars from the University of California II
Conference on the Examination Systems of CUHK II
New College Boards of Governors/Trustees 1
Exchange Programme with Indiana University 2
Computing Programme 2
Degree Examination for Pre-University Diplomates of the Foundation Colleges 2
Part-Time Diploma Course in Education 2
Matriculation Results Announced 2
32 to be Admitted by the Graduate School 2
Chemistry Symposium and Lectures 3
College News 3
Appointments 4
Obituary 4
Staff Profiles 5
Comings and Goings 5
Editor's Note 8