Newsletter No. 19
No.19 June 1991 CUHK Newsletter The Hong Kong Fami ly in t he Ninet ies - Con t r ad i c t i ons and Out l ook The Gender Research Programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies organized a forum entitled ‘The Hong Kong Family in the Nineties - Contradictions and Outlook' on 25th May to investigate the various problems faced by Hong Kong families in the nineties and the solutions to such problems. Participants focused their discussion on the concept of the family as defined by social welfare policy makers, academic researchers, as well as front-line social workers. They also explored the allocation of family duties including parental responsibilities and the care for the elderly and the sick in the family. The Gender Research Programme was established several years ago to support and coordinate research on gender issues and to promote exchange among interested parties in the field. Adv i sory Board of Ex t ramural Studies Appo i n tmen ts T he University has recently reappointed Miss Ko Siu-wah as chairman of the Advisory Board of Extramural Studies, and Mr. James P. C. Tien and Miss Annie S. C. Wu as members of the board, all for a term of two years from 1st December 1990. Mr. Tam Shu-wing of the Extramural Studies Department has also been reappointed secretary of the board for two years from 1st August 1991. New Publications of the University Press The following books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: • Smoke and Fire: The Chinese in Montreal (in English) by Chan Kwok Bun, xiv + 338 pp., (hardcover, HK$180). • China Review (in English) edited by Kuan Hsin-chi and Maurice Brosseau, xxx + 480 pp., (hardcover, HK$280). • 《 香 港 教 育 研 究 分 類 目 錄 》 ( i n Chinese) edited by Chung Yue-ping, Wong Hin-wah, Bernard H. K. Luk & Fung Yee Wang, x l ii + 157 pp., (paperback, HK$56). Services to the Community and International Organizations • Dr. Philip Fu. reader in accountancy, has been reappointed a member of the Panel of the Inland Revenue Board of Review by HE the Governor for a further period of three years from 9th May 1991. • Prof. Amb r o se Y. C. K i n g, pro-vice-chancellor and professor of sociology, has been invited by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to be a member of its School of Humanities and Social Science Advisory Committee for two years from 1st May 1991. Prof. King has also been invited to be a member of the Academic Consultation Committee of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei for three years from 1st April 1991. • Dr. Leonard L. Chu, senior lecturer in journalism and communication, has been invited to serve as a member of the Advisory Board of Shue Yan College from March 1991. • Mr. Hardy S. C. Tsoi, manager of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, has been reappointed a member of the Drama Committee of the Council for the Performing Arts for two years from 1st April 1991. • Mr. Stephen C M . Yam, lecturer in accountancy, has been invited to be a member of the Communication Committee of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants for one year. • Prof. Patrick C. P. Ho, professor of surgery, has been appointed a member of the editorial board of the Asia Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology and of the Afro-Asian Journal of Ophthalmology, from May 1991. Prof. Ho has also been appointed from May 1991 as guest editor of Fundus, an official publication of the Retina Group of the Society of Ophthalmology, the Chinese Medical Association. • Dr. Lo Wing-chun, senior lecturer in international business, has been appointed a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing’ USA. Dr. Lo has also been appointed a member of Wholesale/Retail and Import/Export Trades Training Board of the Vocational Training Council for two years from 1st April 1991. • Dr. Robert E. Allinson, senior lecturer in philosophy, has been reappointed an external assessor for the editorial board of Philosophy East and West published by the University of Hawaii. • Dr. Pen-yeh Tsao, lecturer in music, has been appointed by the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) to serve as the chairman of the Academic Programme Committee for the post-conference to the 31st ICTM World Conference. The post-conference will be held from 10th to 14th July in Guangzhou. Dr. Tsao has also been reappointed a member of the Music Committee of the Council for the Performing Arts and a member of the Council's newly established Chinese Opera Committee, both for a period of two years from 1st April 1991. • Dr. Chan Wing-wah, lecturer in music, conducted the Ensemble New Music Hong Kong to perform two compositions by local composers in a concert on 21st April at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. (All information in this section is provided by the Information Office) 5
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