Newsletter No. 45
CUHK Newsletter No.45 August 1993 P h o t o g r a p h s a n d M e m o r i e s —Gwen Kao A 30t h Anniversar y Publicatio n Publishe d by The Chines e Universit y Pres s To be Release d Late r Thi s Mont h The Chinese University of Hong Kong: A Celebration Introduction by Gwen Kao, 144 pages, full colour, hardcover, HK$295. To be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. These past years I have had pleasant opportunities of visiting a great number of university campuses the world over. I quite like wandering on my own, and provided the weather cooperates, I can be free to follow my unfettered fancies for hours. Each campus has been a place for meto explore; each has had its own special attraction and appeal. Some campuses are like old friends. I have visited them on many occasions for various reasons and in different seasons of the year. My first introduction to campus life, like most of us, was as a naive young undergraduate. In the very large city of London, the many colleges scattering city-wide, some very small and some large, made up the one entity 一 the University of London. Each had its own little campus, but the mother campus with its less familiar Sunday feel was to me an altogther different and exciting world. The University o f London Students' Union was housed in its own large multistorey building in Mallett Street, affectionately referred to as ULU, complete with athletic facilities, a bookshop, sitting areas with soft leather armchairs, libraries, a canteen, a theatre 一 in short, everything needed t o delight the many young students who congregated there at weekends and on dance nights. Though heavily engrossed in my studies, I found the campus full of fun and excitement. Time passed and other responsibilities of life, such as career and later, marriage and home, became priorities. Student fun fast faded into distant memories. But these preoccupations pass by too and at some stage in life we have a breathing space where we can start to explore our inner needs again. In the early 1970s, with a young family in tow, I found myself in an intimate relationship with academic life on a new level. At that time, living on 8
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